Good and Faithful Servant
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You may here threats? These crazy animals I don't care need to be destroyed. They're people not demons they are using artificial technology in order to take me over or something. I don't need or want nor do I give permission to be a guinea pig. Right now I hear the ones low voice trying to mimich my voice my inner voice as I type but not getting it. I hear slurs and or whispy sounds in the background as I type this. I don't want nothing to do with Transhumanism nor will I. not with your help it wont. Father I thank you that thier transhumanis attempts will fail and whover is trying to do this to me will fail. Now you I hear a guy gargling and this tries to make my body vibrrate I have to tell my brain it's not real for a persons voice can't do that. It's madening and take all my fruit IE self control to not act upon what I feel now. Talk about firgiveness all you want but I need these people destroyed and sent to the lake of fire. There's no hope for thse people you can't do this to people and expect to be forgiving. If God had it planned for these evil people to be saved they would turn a long time ago. THey use moisture song inplace for molester which isn't true.' they are liars and now because I'm telling you this they are vibrating me to death. Murder premeditated murders deserve no mercy. Now too I hear this mocking deep voice to mock what I'm typing. then he began to whirr whirr whirr too... meaing to make a vibrating mouth voice to anoy me. Now he's talking smoothly to me to patronize me. now the old man is in the whrirr whirr whirr noise again to make my body vibrate. listen to that and don't tell me I'm making it up. People around me are without a cause trying to kill me, or have me do some crime and or put into a mental institution. These are monsters they need dead not forgiveness. I can't legitimatly pray or give them forgivenes not now. THey don't me even though what they accuse me of is false so I don't need forgivenss for something I didn't do but the point is live this way for two months hear what I hear in my ear have headaches every single day. be goated into giving up your spiritual shoes and when you eat or drink something they don't want you to and use tech nology to give you diarrhea day in and day out. tell me then to forgive. These are lake of fire Gangstalkers ready to be destroyed. Loud drums making my floor feel like there's an earthquak etc it all BS pray For the Father to send them Revenge that I so jusitfiabley need! Plus if there's someong who's almost dead and as a experiment which I thought I hear this morning have that person die he/she can't take me over. Im me and have the righ to be me not have anyone try to transfer his or her intelect into me. So pray that what ever reason which I thingk they use the sex offencer crap to destroy me with then transfer her or him into me somehow??? By making me shame tormenting me to the point I'm weak spiritually and emotionally. Etc so pray they die please this isn't time to have forgiveness it's reveng time. take my car I might forgive. sleep with my wife but that'd be hard but I might forgive, steal from me etc... but this isn't some misfortunate missunderstood person or people who had it bad. I've had it bad my dad was a tyrannt drank all the time beat me and almost killed my mom but I forgave him and let go of a lot of that. But these people aren't forgiive them they know not what they do they know exaclty what they do they think they're doing something as keeping the score and or repaying me for something. But they don't know what it is they're talking about nor have the right to do in the first place. While sripture says to to not Judge for we judge the outside but God jueges the inside, but these works are evil and of that of evil hearts. No one tryign to remotely murder someone can use the well he deserved it crap that's BS!!! They want to do this it doesn't matter if I'm innocent or not they're stll doing it. I'ts like someone trying to get away with the perfect crime of something they think they can't be in trouble over. There's no remorse with these people they know I'm innocent but sitll keep tormenting me. But please pray they die or get in Jail or both please. AMEN!