Beloved Warrior
Lord Jesus, you are our victory and light. I thank you for another day of life. I thank you for keeping me safe from all hurt harm and danger. I thank you for food, shelter, transportation, electricity and a phone. I give you glory honor and praise today. Lord, for give me for my sins. Lord, bless my family and friends. Lord, bless every soul in need financially, emotionally, physically in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus, I plead the precious blood of Jesus over our world, government leaders, frontline workers, volunteers, police, children, elderly, disabled, veterans, homeless, jobless, mentally challenged, addictions, depression, loneliness, marriages, custody battles and domestic violence situations in your holy name Jesus! Hallelujah Jesus! Father God, open doors, soften hearts, enlarge territories, guide, heal, deliver, renew and provide all of our needs according to your riches in glory. Thank your for your mercy and grace this day. Lord, as we walk through this valley, open our eyes that we might see wondrous things from your law. Let your angels walk with us. Lord Jesus, let your word comfort and encourage during these trying times. Help us! Bless us! Father God, hear and answer our prayers. Lord Jesus, give us the wisdom and knowledge to stay encouraged, grateful, prayerful, faithful, peaceful and joyful. This battle is yours Lord. Bless us all with ongoing prosperity and abundance in all areas of our lives. Bless me with clean, safe affordable housing. Bless me with an opportunity to supplement my social security income weekly in the name of Jesus. Lord align my mind and heart with yours. Lord bless me to be a blessing to others. Heal my family relationships. Lord bless every soul who is grieving the lost of a loved one. Bless us with a vaccine and cure for this virus. Lord Jesus, bless us to unite as one to stabilize the spread. Lord Jesus, feed the hungry with a never ending supply of food. Stay safe everyone, wash your hands and social distance and continue to pray for our amazing victory and favor from our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen and amen