Beloved of All
Very very very urgent please please all pray Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please convict Paul a in his heart spirt in every single way part of him for hurting me upsetting me right now I pray he has absolutely absolutely no no peace absolutely no joy till he fully deeply sincerely apologise to me in jesus name lord I ask you please pleasd bring Paul a to his knees for hurting me right now please by your power move in Paul a make Paul a please please lord sincerely deeply incredibly apologies to me in absolutely every single way from fof hurting me upsetting me please please lord without any delay at all move in Paul a make Paul a please please lord sincerely deeply incredibly apologies to me in evert single way from please lord without any delay at all make move in Paul a lore to please please call me text me ask me please lore to meet up with him one to one without any delay at all please lord in jesus christ name melt melt mightly incredibly lord every single part of Paul a to me towards ke in every single way form incredibly incredibly that i am truly truly amazed astonished please lord heal Paul a from all fear all worry all stress being hard rude difficult cheeky absolutely everywhere any anywhere he needs healing now use use me me please lord to heal him in every way free free Paul a please please lord to open up to me only me all all his deepest feeling emotions fears concerns worry right now without any delay always bless make me me a income incredibly incredibly light blessing to Paul a please please lord in every single way please please lord give me incredibly incredibly supernatural wisdom dicerment incredibly insight deeply understanding with Paul a in every single way give me all all the right words pleasd lord to say to Paul a every time I speak to him with him give Paul a huge huge incentive strong very strong desire to call me text me deeply sincerely apologise to me in every way for for hurting upsetting me please lord without any delay at all bless me amd Paul a please please lord with a divine divine divine connection in every single way to incredibly get on in every single way level to open up to ea h other deeply honestly in every single way lord please please heal restore my relationship with Paul a in every single way please please lord make my relationship with Paul a please lord alot alot alot closer stronger deeper flourishes in every single wah please lord bring unity unity please lord between me and Paul a that we can please please be in agreement with all things now always I decree and declare Paul a can't can't can't stop thinking of me Paul a can't can't wait to see me in jesus name Paul a is is is incredibly incredibly in love blown away attracted turned ok with every every single part of me more than he had ever ever ever felt experanced before ever alot alot more more every day in jesus christ name Paul a desire me all of me only me forever and ever no no no other girl women ever in jesus christ namess