Beloved of All
Lord lord your words say ask and I will recieve I stand on your words promises lord I please with all my heart please remove permanently from the absolute roots absolute all hard bits all every hard skin tissue all every lumbs bumbs all every hard whire spots all every marks scars raised bits all every riugh bits absolutely all every lines all every dark circles hollows under my left eye permanently absolutely all dark circles hollows limes undsr my right eyes absolutely all.puffiness excess skin bumb under my left eye lid absolutely all every red viens all every moles all every pigmentation marks all sagyness all every single all lines wrinkles all pot holes marks scars moles red viens all evsry whire heads blsck heads pit holes all every pale skin dry skin dull skin all sensitive skin all itchy scalp absolutely all every marks scars pit holes on my vagina area absolutely all evdry streach marks all cellulite absolutely all all fat on my stomach hips under my arms whole body lord absolutely all evdfy single all every skim problems issie I have mentioned not mentioned lord please please rekibe permanently from the absolute roots never ever return ever under my left eye rught eye above bigg ny eyes my whoke scalp body vagin area stomach hips whole body under arms please lord permanently never ever ever to return ever I ask you lord by your mighty mighty braking pisrf make them all every one of them absolutely dissappear now rught now withiht absolutely no no delay at at all in jesus name please lord make under my left eye whole skin incredibly totally totally incredibly brand new brand new incredibly young vrabx new smooth ageless wrinkles free blemish free now as i deeply deeply desire by your power lord please please work through my surgeon dr a to get absolutely evdfy one if these permanently away please guve my surgeon dr a incredibly supernatural skill expertise wisdom patience precion desire yo get them all away perform the tirak total very very best ever procedures surgery's to awsomley successfully get them all away successfully very effectively always aware sorndz loads loads quality time with me never ever rush me in any way ever lord please grant me me awsome awsome incredibly supernatural favour wugh my surgeon dr a in absolutely every way always please make my surgeon dr a be incredibly patient incredibly compassionate incredibly humble kind generous gentle very very caring very considerate very understanding gentle very patient skill full to Mr towards me always work through him please to please get all these skin issues permanently away make under my left eye skin incredibly brabd new incredibly smooth incredibly ageless incredibly wrinkle free blemish free as I deeply desire nks withiht any delay bless dr a to guve me treatments surgery's free cheap please go out of his way to always always please me do the very very best he can for me only me please lord in jesus christ namess