Beloved of All
Very very urgent please please all pray Lord your words say ask and I will receive I ask you please please touch completely totally heal heal restore please under my left eye by your mighty healing power right now right now instantly please Lord remove absolutely absolutely all every raised bits absolutely all every bumpy bits absolutely all every white bits lines wrinkles dark circles hollows under my left eye by your power right now please in Jesus Christ name Lord please please make under my left eye completely totally brand new Incredibly incredibly brand new incredibly smooth normal skin colour right now please in Jesus Christ name please please remove permanently absolutely all every dark circles hollows under my left eye right eye from the absolutely roots never ever return ever remove white bits under my left eye now permanently make it normal skin colour tight now please Lord in Jesus Christ name please please remove absolutely all puffiness excess skin above my eyes permanently bumpy under my left eye lid permanently now in Jesus Christ name absolutely all every spots pimples marks scars pot holes red veins pigmentation marks moles absolutely all pale skin dry skin dull skin sensitive skin absolutely all every lines wrinkles all sagginess lines all itchy scalp absolutely all fat on my stomach hips absolutely all marks scars pot holes on my vagina area permanently right now by your power never ever return ever bless me me Lord with brand new brand new under eyes in every way upper eyes in every way brand new skin on my whole face neck whole body vagina area right now as I deeply desire please Lord in Jesus Christ name I ask you please please Lord photographs videos are soo soo important to me I ask you please please bless me me absolutely every single part of me please truly truly awsomely amazely incredibly incredibly outstabdky soo soo very very photogenic in absolutely every way in absolutely every part of me with hat without any hat with make up without any make up with hair piece without any hair piece no matter what I wear in absolutely all all every photographs videos selfies snap chat photographs snap chat videos watsapp videos fave tome videos absolutely all every photographs all every video calls that are taken of me at all times in absolutely all places with absolutely all every cameras videos with absolutely all every mobile phone cameras videos alot alot alot better please please Lord than absolutely all every top class models celebrities alot alot better than absolutely all every girls women on face book instagram that I have admired for years alot alot better than absolutely all all every filters without no no filters at all that I am truly truly astonisted blown away truly truly amazed overwhelmed with incredibly incredibly joy that I never ever ever need to hate delete feel insecure about ever I pled pled pled the blood of Jesus Christ over absolutely all all every photographs videos selfies video calls taken of me now always evert time absolutely no no weapons formed against any of my photographs video will prosper ever in Jesus Christ name I ask you please please Lord with all my heart bless bless make me me please Lord absolutely every part of me please please please look incredibly incredibly awsome incredibly beautiful incredibly gorgeous incredibly stunning incredibly radiant incredibly glowing incredibly glorious incredibly sexy incredibly outstanding income chic classid stylish incredibly outstanding income phenomenal incredibly incredibly young incredibly youthful incredibly ageless incredibly blemish free income wrinkles free incredibly drop dead gorgeous incredibly amazing incredibly magnificent incredibly truly breathtaking out out of this world please please Lord as I deeply deeply desire in absolutely every singke way part of me in absolutely all every photographs videos selfies snap chat photographs snap chat videos watsapp videos fave time videos absolutely any any video calls taken of me now always every time alot allt betree than absolutely any filters without no filters at all alot betree than absolutely all every girls women on fave book that I am truly truly astonisted right now always Lord bless bless your awsome awsome incredibly incredibly beauty glory radiance shigina glory to please please please be apon absolutely every single part of me me in absolutely every single way incredibly abundantly right now in absolutely every way part of me incredibly now always bless me me please please outshine absolutely all all every girls women absolutely every whete I am go incredibly abundantly now always in jesus name please please bless me me please please Lord with the most awsome awsome amazing incredibly compliments I deeply desire now incredibly abundantly please please renew restore my whoke beauty youth confidence skin self esteem self woty faith in every way incredibly now please please Lord build build board my whole confidence self esteem self worth faith alot alot more more evert day please please grant me me please please please Lord all all the deepest deepest desires of my heart hig huge tony or small now always even before I ask please please forgive me for all things all sins in Jesus name.