Beloved of All
Very very urgent please please all pray Lord please please convict Paul a very very strongly in every single way for hurting je upsetting me bring him.lord to his knees now I pray he has no peace at all no joy at all till he sincerely deeply apologise to me in every way lord please please move in Paul a give him the courage to call me contact me ask me to meet up with him one to one without any delay at all sincerely deeply apologise to me in every single way form tell me he is soo sincerely sorry tell me he will fix all my teeth the way I want free of charge please lord make this happen please lord without any delay at all perform miracles wonders for me lord please please bless me with all the deepest deepest desires of my heart please lord right now please lord without any delay at all please please lord bring peace unity understanding between me and Paul a that we can please please be in agreement with everything blesd me anc Paul a with a divine divine connection in every single way a divine love in every single way please please lord make my relationship with Paul a alot alot closer stronger deeper flourish in every single way please please lord give me incredibly incredibly sad wisdom dicerment insight with every part of Paul a show me his lobe language very clearly in jesus name show me what he likes wants needs very clearly please lord give me all the right words to say to Paul a in every single way every time j am with him speak to him free Paul a to open up to me me only me all his deepest feelings without any delay to me only me always heal Paul a lord from all anger all aggression any rage being hard rude difficult cheeky absolutely everywhere and anywhere he needs healing show me clearly lord where Paul a anger is coming from in jesus name use use me lord to heal him uplift him encourage him heal him counsel him sooth him refresh him love compliment him be patient with him deeply deeply understand him please lord give me income supernatural insight with Paul a please lord in every way melt jelt Paul a heart ways attitude tougue words every single part of him please please lord to me towards me mightly in every wag right now always that I am truly amazed in jesus christ name