Beloved of All
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you lord please remove absolutely all fat stomach hips whokd big under arms now rugjt now permanently never ever return ever please lord make my whole mother very very fast rught now always in jesus name lord please remove absolutely all lumbs bumbs lumby bumby bits marks scars pit holes from above both my eyes perfectly now make my upper eyes lord pleaee incredibly smooth scars incredibly totally invisible now by yoyf power in jesus christ name please lord remove absolutely all every dark circles hollows under my eyes j hate perfectly now jn jesus christ name please lord remove absolutely all lines spits pimples marks scars pug hokes rashes limes excess skin red viebs all every pig marks all absolutely all sensitive skin all pale skin tired skin tired eyes absolutely all itchy scalp absolutely all every streacb marks fat from my whole story hips bodh under arms now perfectly never ever return ever please lord by your power make all of them completely totally dissappear now never return ever make mh whole skin lord please lord incredibly invisible brand new insurance smooth incredibly young incredibly youthful incredibly ageless income wrinkle free blemish free insurance on radishg glowing glourious now please please lord as I deeply desire now without any delays in jesus christ name lord thank you fof the money I have saved I have benifits I have I ask you lord please please bless protect multiply multiply my finances my financial incredibly savings please lord now right now incredibly abundantly in millions millions now right now please lord more more every day in jesus christ name please please lird make daa a born again Christian through me me my humour my husband now without any delay in jesus christ name please lord completely totally permanently destroy an all everh false gods idols ridulas all every stronghokds all every bondages all fear all every controlling spirits all muslamic false believes gods in absolutely every single part of daa hus life perfectly forever by your mightly power right now in jesus christ name please melt melt mightly into absolutely everything single part of daa heart absolutely every single part of daa to me towards me you jesus christ in every single way right now always please lord bring total total unity total agreement between me and daa that we are both in total total agreement with absolutely everything in jesus christ name please bless make me and daa whole rest please lord alot alot closer stronger deeper flourish in every way free make daa please lord opens up to me me onky me all his heart all his love all his affection attention quality time all hus deepest deepest feelings emotions life past absolutely everything to me md only md now please lord without any delay always in jesus name lord please completely destroy sever please lord absolutely all eveth soul ties daa has with any any other women but me now permanently in jesus christ name bless make daa only only has eyes for me me only me soley me please lord absolutely no no other girls women ever in jesus christ name lord please make me and daa love attraction desire for each other grows stronger stronger closer closer more more pass every day in jesus christ name lord please give daa incredible information joy happiness fifilment excitement in mh love in every part of me jesus christ in jesus christ namess