Beloved of All
Lord lore your words say ask and I will recieve lord please please make d aa please a born again Christian through me my husband myth now please by your power without any delay at all.please lore cast out of absolutely every part of d aa absolutely all every darkness all powers of darkness all every powers of satan all unbelieve in jesus christ all every hard difficult all every controlling spirits all every spirits not of you from every part of d aa his life permanently right now please lord In jesus christ name lord please make move in absolutely every part of d aa free every part of d aa to please please open up to me me please all his deepest deepest heart feelings deepest deepest emotions headt feelings live past hurts pain now right now without any delay always please lord bless me and d aa to please please love desire each other and absolutely no one else now always please please lord make me and d aa love attraction desure for each other grows stronger stronger every day in jesus christ name lord please please make me absolutely every single part of me me please lord a truly truly awsome awsome awsome incredibly incredibly light incredibly blessing incredibly incredibly joy to d aa in absolutely every single wat form rught now always please please lord fill absolutely every single part of me me with incredible information supernatural wisdom supernatural dicerment supernatural insight knowledge understanding patience insight rmphany understanding patience incredible incredibly supernatural skill all the rught words things to say to d aa very very intelligently very very articulately right now always please lord in jesus christ name lord please bless protect every part of me and d aa marriage whole relashionship in absolutely every way form please bring unity unity between me and d aa in absolutely every way form that we can please please be in agreement with absolutely everything now Always please fill me and d aa whole marriage whole relashionship please please lord with incredibly abundant love care affection attention romance quality time understanding goodness compassion emphany gentleness goodness faithfulness loyalty commitment honesty kindness generosity peave joy unity incredibly fifilment incredibly satisfaction incredibly love peace joy unity bond closeness divine connection fun laughter playfulness incredibly trust hinestky compliments security protection incredibly bold incredible closeness now alot alot more more every day please lord in jesus christ name I pray and decree and declare d aa dies not not ever ever mind bother about my age the age diffrence between is both never ever ever in any way form ever in jesus christ name lore i ask you please please make me me absolutely every single part of me abd you lord becoming a born again Christian the total total total very very best ever things that has ever ever ever happened to d aa thag he feels if soo very powerfully soo very strongly soo very intensely in absolutely every single way part of him right now Always that he tells me this in every way abundantly shows me this please lord ij absolutely every way form abundantly in jesus christ name lord bless me and d as to tell each other we love ea h other every single day night abundantly alway truly truly thank God for each other in every way abundantly make me and d aa a real incredible incredibly light blessing help support incredibly blessing to each other more more every day bless me and d aa with the very very best ever marriage relationship in every way for your glory that people tell us both thus see this incredible abundantly in jesus christ name lord please please melt melt absolutely every single part of d aa please lord to Me towards you in absolutely every way form right now Always bless d aa to be incredibly incredibly attracted incredibly incredibly turned on incredibly incredibly blown away incredibly incredibly captivated to absolutely every single part of me insure and out in absolutely every way form alot alot more more every day inpled pled the blood of jesus christ over d as in every way I pled the blood of jesus christ over me and d aa whole relashionship whole married life future ij every single way absolutely no no wear formed against me and d aa relationships marriage will prosper ever in jesus christ name I decree and declare d aa is never ever ever interested attracted wants desires any aby any other girls women ever only me always me forever me right now Always forever please lord fill fill flood absolutely every single part of d aa please please lord with incredibly abundant love care affection attention awsome compliments incredibly romance compassion emphany understanding patience goodness kindness generosity gentleness faithfulness loyalty commitment honesty trustworthiness support unity closeness bond laughter fin playfulness bond connection divine connection in absolutely every way form incredibly incredibly desire incredibly attraction incredibly faithfulness loyalty commitment to me towards Mr right now Alot and more more every day please lord in jesus christ namess