Beloved of All
Very very urgent please all pray Lord thank you ypur words says ask and I will recieve I ask you please please heal restore my eyes in absolutely every single way form stop discharge coming out my eyes permanently now stop my eyes watering permanently now heal incision line under both my eyes especially the left under eye incisions from surgery now make incisions under left eye incredibly incredibly smooth absolutely no raised bots no lumps bumps incredibly incredibly totally invisible now under left eye and undee right eye now instantly rapidly remove absolutely all swelling all bruising under all around ky eyes remove absolutely all dark circles hollows under my eyes permanently now make under my eyes brand new now please lord in jesus christ name please lord remove absolutely all puffiness absolutely all excess skin above my eyes perfectly without any delay remove absolutely all spots pimples whire heads black heads absolutely all red viens all pigmentation marks absolutely all limes wrinkles from my whoke face neck skin permanently right now never ever return ever remove all itchiness from my scalp permanently absolutely all fat from my stomach hips permanently now in jesus christ name never ever return ever bless me lord with brand new skin now incredibly incredibly young youthful ageless incredibly radiant incredibly glowing brand new skin now bless your awslme awsome incredibly invisible beauty glory radiance shigina glory to please please be apon absolutely every single part of me in every way incisions abundantly now always please please bless make me absolutely every part of me please please lord incredibly incredibly awsomley amazing photogenic in absolutely every way form there is to be photogenic in absolutely every way part of me please lord in absolutely all every photographes videos video calls taken of me please lord right now always every time in jesus christ name absolutely no no more dissappoitments with any any photographes videos taken of me that I need to delete no more ever ever again ever please lord in jesus christ namess