Beloved of All
Very very urgent lord please please make move in Paul a please lord to contact me without any delay at all sincerely deeply apologise to me in every single way form for hurting me fix all my teeth do a full smile make over please for me please lord as a deeply desire all free of charge as a gift to me for hurting upsetting me without any delay please please lord melt melt mightly incredibly every single part of Paul a heart ways attitude tougue words every single part of him to me towards me mightky incredibly thst I am truly truly amazed right now always in jesus name please lord heal Paul a from all anger all fear worry stress anxity any aggression any rage being hard rude difficult cheeky insensitive heal Paul a please lord absoulte y every where abd any way he needs healing now please in jesus christ name lord please please make my relationship with Paul a please lord alot alot closer stronger deeper flourish in every single way please please lord bring peace deep understanding unity unity please lord between me and Paul a that we can please please be in agreement with everything in jesus christ name I decree and declare Pa can't can't wait to see me again he is incredible incredibly attracted blown away turned on with every single part of me more than he has ever ever felt experanced before ever he is is madly strongly deeply incredibly in love with every single part of me more than he has ever ever felt experanced before ever now alot alot more more every day please lord be calls me texts me asking me to meet up with him one to one right now without any delay at all please lord in jesus name lord please please remove every bit of filler please please I dint like under my eyes permanently now please lord make dictor darren please please inject allt jore dissolving injections under my eyes get every bit of filler under my etes comoletky permanently gone where there is absolutely no bulgy bits no mumos bumps raised bits totally smooth please lord without any delay in jesus christ name please please lord remove evert all dark circles hollows under my eyes permanently every all spots pimples whire heads black heads marks scars pit holes moles red viebs pigment marks all puffiness above my eyes all fluid in my left cheekbone bump under my left eye lid all all every lines wrinkles all sagynesd in my neck all every skin problems I ask you please
lord remove from my face skin under eyes cheekbone neck body permanently right now please lord without any delay at all please lord bless me me please please with brand new brand new under eyes skin I deeply desire without any delay at all in jesus name no please please lord bless make me evert single part of me please please look alot allt better please lord than every single all every filters without any any fikters at all please lord as I deeply desire in all all every single all every photographes videos selfies snap chat phone snap chat videis watsapp videos face time videos any videos calls taken of me please please lord that I am truly truly astonisted amazed never ever need to deek insecure about delete now always no no more dissappoitments with any any photographes videos taken of me never ever again ever please lord in jesus christ name lord please please oerfirm miracles wonders for me please please lord bless grant me me please all the deepest deepest desires of my heart big huge tiny or small please please exeed exeed evert single one of my prayers expectations request desires right now always please lord even before I ask please lord in jesus christ namess