Beloved of All
Very very urgent lord lord please touch heal restore my eyes in absolutely every single way form please stop my eyes watering permanently discharge coming from my eyes permanently please heal spaces side of my left eye permanently please remove absolutely all swelling bruising permanently from my eyes please heal incisions line make incisions line under my eyes from surgery be incredibly incredibly totally incredibly smooth invisible in absolutely every single way please make dissolving stiches dissolve permanently without any delay at all please lord remove permanently absolutely all every spits pimples white heads black heads absolutely all res viens all every pigmentation marks all sensitive skin all pale skin all dry skin absolutely all moles all every pot holes all every marks scars all every lined wrinkles all itchy scalp permanently all saggyness lines On my neck permanently absolutely all fat from my stomach hips permanently absolutely all every streach marks on my boobs legs body permanently absolutely all every marks scars pot holes on my vagina area permanently all puffiness excess skin above both my eyes permanently bump under my left eye permanently never return ever rigjt now please lord without any delay at all please please lord bless me please please with brand new under etes brabd new upper eyes brabd new skin on my whole face neck permanently brabd new teeth I deeply desire abundantly incredibly incredibly more hair on my head please lord where there is absolutely no no no spaces on my hair at all it is sooo incredibly thick full my whole hair please please lord on my whole head please lord to please grow soo rapidly soo abundantly way way way past my breast waist bum right now alot alot more more every day that I am truly amazed please lord exeed exeed super seed all every single one of my deepest deepest deepest prayers request deepest desires big huge tiny or small please lord even before I ask right now always every time please lord absolutely absolutely no no no more hurt pain dissappoitments with any any any photographes videos selfies snap chat photograohes snap chat videos watapp videos face time videos any videos calls taken of me please lord that I hare need to delete feel soo soo very insecure about no more no more no more never ever again ever please lord in jesus christ name I ask you please please lord bless bless make me absolutely every single part of me please lord incredibly incredibly soo awsomley soo amazly soo outstandly incredibly incredibly photogenic in absolutely every single way form please lord there Is to be photogenic in absolutely every single way part of ke in absolutely all every photographes videos taken of me alot alot better lord please than absolutely all every top class models celebrities in jesus christ name alot alot better than miss workds miss universe alot allt better than absolutely absolutely all every girls women on face book instagraham that I have admired for years allt alot better than absolutely all all every filters without no no filters at all that I am trying truly truly astonisted amazed blown away overwhelmed with incredibly joy never ever ever ever need to hate delete feel insecure about ever in jesus christ name I decree and declare the awsome awsome awsome incredibly incredibly beauty glory radiance shigina glory of the lord jesus christ is is apon absolutely every single part of me in absolutely every single way form incredibly abundantly in every single way right now always I outshine absolutely every single girls women in absolutely every single way form every singke where I am go incredibly abundantly right now always please lord in jesus christ namess