Beloved of All
Very very urgent lord I ask you please please remove every all dark circles hollows every bit of filler all every bulgy bits all every raised bits all every lines wrinkles under my eyes permanently from the roots without any delay please please make under my eyes please please please lord brand new brabd new incredibly flat incredibly smooth incredibly young youthful ageless brand new give doctor convery supernatural incredibly skill to permanently remive every bit of filler all every bulgy bits raised bits lines under my eyes awsomley amazing incredibly successfully no problems complications at all without any delay in jesus christ name please plesee lord remove bump under my left eye lid permanently from tbe roots rigjt now please lord never return ever in jesus christ name please remove all puffiness above my eyes permanently never return ever I jesus name please please lord remove every all black heads white heads all every spots pimples white heads black heads all absolutely all every moles red viens pigmentation marks all pake skin dry skin dull skin all sensitive skin all any raised bits in jesus christ name all every lines wrinkles on my forehead head inbetween my eye brows side of eye bellow eyes sude mouth cheeks when I smile whole fave neck body all saggyness lines on my neck all itchiness on my scalp all fat on my stomach hips all every streach marks on my boobs bum whole body all every marks scars pot holes on my vagina area all fluid all swelling filler sign boaster under both my cheekbones from the roots any wee raised bits absolutely absolutely all every one of these skin problems I have mentioned lord not mentioned lord I ask you please please by your power remobe absolutely every single one of them from under my eyes under my eye kid above my eyes under both my cheekbones my whole face neck body whole body vagiba area please please lord from the roots permanently right now never ever ever ever to return ever in jesus christ name bless me please please with brand new under eyes skin on my whokd face under eyes whole body bless me wutb the very very very best ever skin treatments to msjd under my eyes face skin neck brand new not sire painful not expensive now please grant me awsome supernatural favour with doctor convery with through him to successfully awsomley amazing remive absolutely every skin problems that bothers me permanently from the roots not expensive please lord yoit words says ask and I will recieve lord I ask you please please please bless me with brand new grand new incredibly young incredibly youthful incredibly ageless incredibly awsome flawless glowing radiant very best ever brand new under eyes skin pyre flat tonned stomach all the deepest deepest desires of my heart please please lord big huge tiny or small please lord rigjt now without any delay at all please please lord perform miracles and wonders for me in every single way now please lord exeed exeed supersees absolutely every single one of my deepest deepest deepest prayers request expectations request deepest desires right now always please please renew restore my under etes skin whole beauty spoerance confidence renew my whole youth youth in every single way incredibly now please please bless make me please please please lord look more more alot alot more than 25 years younger than what I actually really really truly am in absolutely absolutely every single way part of me please lord as I deeply desire right now always alot alot more more every day please lord restore my whole confidence self esteem self worth incredibly in every single way please please please build build boast my whole whole confidence self esteem self worth incredibly incredibly abundantly in absolutely every single way form right now alot alot more more every day in jesus christ name lord bless your awsome awsome anazing incredibly beauty glory radiance shigina glory to please please be apon absolutely every single way part of me ribjt now always incredibly please lord in jesus christ name I ask you please please please lord no no more absolutely no more dissappoitments with any any photographes videos taken of me lord that I nedd you delete hate feel very insecure about please lord in jesus christ name I ask you please please lord photographes videos are soo important to me I ask you please please bless and make me me please please lord absolutely every single part of me please lord incredibly incredibly awsomley soo awsomley soo amazly incredibly outstsndky so so so very very photogenic in absolutely every single way there is please please lord to be photogenic in absolutely every single way part of me alot allt alot better please please lord than absolutely absolutely all every single all every top class models celebrities in jesus name alot alot alot better than absolutely all all every girls women on face book instagraham in jesus christ name alot alot alot better please please lore than absolutely absolutely all every single all evefy filters without any any filters at all as I delay desire please lord that I am truly truly astonisted amazed blown away overwhelmed with incredibly incredibly joy now always please in jesus christ name I ask you please please bless bless make me me absolutely every single part of me pleaed please please lord look incredibly awsome incredibly geourgeous incredibly stunning incredibly beautiful incredibly radiant incredibly glourious incredibly sexy incredibly young incredibly youthful incredibly ageless outstanding phanomanal magnificent incredibly drop dead geourgeous incredibly breathtaking out out of this world please please please lord as I deeply deeply desire in absolutely evefy single way part of me in absolutely absolutely all every single all every photographes videos selfies snap chat photograohes snap chat videos watapp videos face time videos any videos calls taken of me at all times in all places with absolutely all every cameras videos expensive cameras videis cheap cameras videos absolutely all every mobike phone cameras videos thay alot alkt betrer every single all top class models celebrities alot alot alkt better please than every all girls women on face book instagraham alot alot better than absolutely absolutely every single all all every filters alot alot better than I could ever ever possible ask think inside pray for that I never ever ever in any way form need to delete hate feel insecure about ever that I am truly astonisted anszed blown away overwhelmed overwhelmed with incredibly incredibly joy rubjt now always every time please lord in jesus christ name I cover cover absolutely all every physical videos takennof md wugh the blood blood of jesus I pled pled the blood of jesus over every single one of my photographes videos right now always in jesus name no weapons formed against any of my photographes will prosper ever in jesus christ name lord lord nothing absolutely nothing is impossible with you o adk you please please please do all these things for me please please please exeed exeed absolutely all of my prayers request deepest prayers request deepest desires right now always in jesus name right now please please lord without any delay in jesus christ namess please please bless me please please lord with the most aesome amazing Inc very very very best ever compliments I deeply desure every single where I am I go now always incredibly abundantly please lord in jesus christ namess