Prayer Warrior
Lord please please make me and daa love attraction desire for each other grows grows alot stronger deeper more more passionate every day bless make me and daa desire each other and absolutely no no one else ever please lord bless bless me and daa whole rest in absolutely every way whole marriage in absolutely every way make ot alot alot closer stronger deeper flourishes in every way protect it in absolutely every way full me and daa whole relashionship please lord with incredibly abundant love care compassion emphany incredibly abundant affection attention romance quality time patience the most beautiful words compliments abundantly total respect goodness patience gentleness passion total customer total faithfuolness kindness generosity incredibly incredibly attraction incredibly desire for each other no one elsee loyalty communication trust unity total unity agreement with absolutely everything incredibly closeness total connection bond Inc closeness insurance joy insurance happiness insurance peace insurance fifilment insurance total satisfaction fun laughter playfulness incredibly bond unity closeness connection now more more every day bind lord me and daa together please please lord wuth unity love bond connection unity again closeness total commitment total faithfullness for life life plan lord in jesus christ name please please lord make me and daa please lord very very best ever in absolutely every single way soul mates in absolutely every singke way companions in every way husband and wife for life life in absolutely every way in jesus christ name please lord bless me and daa to please please totally get on in absolutely every way form totally connect in absolutely every way form totalky deeply incredibly understand each other in every way open up to each other in absolutely every way form tell each other absolutely everything in every way always are totally totally compatable in every way form