Beloved of All
Very urgent please all.pray lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please make move in absolutely every single part of Paul a to call me text md contact me ask me please up with him please lord one to one face to fave without any delay at all sincerely deeply genuinely abundantly apologies to me abundantly in every single way right now without any delay in jesus christ name lord please heal restore bless protect my relationship with Paul a make it alot alot better closet stronger flourishes in every single way bring lord unity unity please between me and Paul a that we can please be in agreement with everything bless me and Paul a with a divine divine connection in absolutely every single way bless make me every single part of me please lord a incredibly incredibly awsome light blessing to every part of Paul a free Paul a lord to please open up all hus deepest deepest feelings emotions to me without any delay always next melt mightlg incredibly every single part of Paul a heart every single part pf hom lord towards me and you in every single way right now in jesus christ name lord please heak Paul a from all anger all hardness all immaturity all selfishness being hard duffucukt angry cheeky insensitive all fear worry anxig absolutely every where he needs healing lord in jesus christ name I ask you lord please please give me incredibly incredibly supernatural wisdom dicerment Insight with Paul a in absolutely every single way give me all all the rughg things wires to say to Paul a wisdom with my words now always please lord in jesus christ namess