Beloved of All
Very urgent no more dissappoitments no more rejection no more critasism no more suffering no more sadness no more sorrow no more lonleyness no more thin hair no mote teeth problems pain no mote eye problems no more asthma symptoms of asthma no more skin blemishes problems no more lack in any way no more poverty in any way no more misfortune in any way no more bad luck in any way no more pain in any way no mote skin blemishes problems in any way no mote thin hair hair problems in any way no more critasism in any way no more lonleyness in any way no mote struggling in any wah no mote worry anxity deppression in any way please lord in jesus christ namess steanthen every single part of me please please lord in power power rigjt now more more every day let make youf peace that passes all human understanding rule rule in my mind thoughts emotions body life always in jesus namess