Dear Abba--Daddy--Father--God
in Your Son Jesus's Name
please help me feel all better please...
because my head hurts and now i can't sleep either...
This is truly allergy season
spring has sprung
and boy can i feel it too !
YIKES...and the pollen is in the air !
Ah-Men...l.o.l...[ Amen too ! ]...x.o.x...
for however you pronounce it
ah-men or amen...
please help me now Daddy--God...
in Your Son Jesus's Name
please help me feel all better please...
because my head hurts and now i can't sleep either...
This is truly allergy season
spring has sprung
and boy can i feel it too !
YIKES...and the pollen is in the air !
Ah-Men...l.o.l...[ Amen too ! ]...x.o.x...
for however you pronounce it
ah-men or amen...
please help me now Daddy--God...