James 4:7
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (KJV)Let's talk about repulsing the adversary.
The first part of the verse is often overlooked. To secure God's grace abundantly, one must seek God's kingdom first and all of its righteousness. You must subject yourself to God. If you can't get this first step right, then the remaining verse has been rendered void.
When the devil tries to assault your mind, telling you to forget God, or to give up, or you won't win, do you resist those assaults? Stand firm against those lies. Don't allow the devil to influence your mind. Don't give up to the devil. Remember who's in your corner.
The word "resist" is from the Greek word anthistemi, which means 'stand in opposition'. It's a firm denial. One can almost hear the attitude surrounding it. It is a word denoting
determination, that shows no uncertainty. James is plainly instructing his listeners that one must aggressively stand against the work of the devil.
Complacency won't work! Your mind is under attack and you must defend yourself. Use force! When I was a military policeman we had a legal standard for using force. 'Use the minimum amount of force necessary to restrain the subject.'
This guideline does NOT work here. Rather it should be 'Use the necessary force to expel the devil.' Remember that the attack of the mind may be steady at times. Stand firm.
The word devil (dia-biolos) here refers to his work rather than his name. It implies in a general sense of a barrage of bombardment being hurled at you -'an unyeilding attack' directed at the mind. The devil is launching a repeated assault of lies that are being thrown at you.
Use all the necessary force to expel him. USE THE WORD! Apply them to you!
'It is written if God is with me, who can come against me!'
Obliterate those thoughts with scripture.
It is written 'Greater is the One inside me than anyone of this world!
Remember the Temptation of Christ (Mt 4:1-11). Our Lord used scriptures to fend off the devil.
'Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.'
He always flees before strong resistance. Find your scripture and then...
Use the WORD!
Get behind me Satan!