Beloved of All
urgently needed healign for my grandma dementia severele ymalnutrtion kidneys disease Lor dpelase otuch her heal her of congesitrve haert .I odntwanna los emy grnamd apleas ehlpw ithe careiivng. pelase help LOrd i need help with my grandma pelas esne dosmeon who i snice ot mein my life in real life plase sne dosmeon nice ot me in rela life please i am always abused here and mabe it smy fault ut thei ris no peac ein thos ehome i ask God elt thie rbe peac ien my hoem and giv em itme ot repent of isns i can tkeep up wiht everyhitng. pleas etake away coorna virus tak away toxic peopel form my life. i need hellp wth my grandma help me pleas iem tired of beign aloen send help husabdn for m Lord Jeus Chirs.t please im not perfect ut i sitl ahve ot giv epleas eGod!!and girl who wa sin accident. Lor donst amputate her hand,Lor dpelase let all conversations on phoen go smoothly and also please ensd a miracle angel mechanic willign to fix trhe washing machine, ipray fo rthat man who di dnot fix it and th eohter w oen to pleas ebkess htema nd save their osuls. Lor dJeus Christ askign yourproteciton in my comign and goign Lord i kindly aks you send a mechanic to please fix the washing amchien today i am sorry for my sisn. i will try and be better in the areas i need to change howeve ri kindly ask you Lord ot pleas epleaed justly i beg you i nededchelp in my life as well in obeyihn xyyou. Lor daskign for yur helaing touvch on my grandma nd fmaiyl proteciton form evil and Lord deivne conencitons today dispatsch your hoyl angrels ot hela minsiter an dmay all do your WIll dtoday. i suffr form depression and askign God to giv em elove when im perseuted. Lor dhel am ymoma dn pelase sned someont to fix the machien willign Lord!!! OPLease pelas ehave mercyLord i feel so aloehn. i knwo im not perfectr butr iplead mery grace oyur ghrace lor dhlpe me as i am aslo weak i ened your help Lord Jeus Christ. vian is the help of man Lord os i ocme to your Lord jeus Christ. plessse i ask your hOly blood to cleanse me a nd purify me ad my hosue holy. dleibver this shoefrom overowkr strife weakness ilnckness disease and devils. Lord lety thier be peace an dunit yin my hoe. Lord dont let anyone rhtink bad of me. . if you have ahusband for mw Lord jeus Chirst do alliny ourpower to unit eus and mae us one.OWUld liek to have my own husband.pelase also do allin your powr to fix the wSHING MACHINE, PLEASE SEND SOMEONE ISLIGN TO DO IT PELASE AND LETthem ebblessed no power brekaing let htem biewilign Lor dpelas eim desparate pelase send a person to fix trhe washing machien who is abel and iwllign and knows how i beg you please i dont knwo what do i achknowledegy ou lOr. pese provide washing machien and dryers fixe dpleasegod nadnahd pelas eim ahavign har it