URGENT!!!! thank you for your prayers Godbless oyu forevr please continue to pray for my grandma schneider Vilmosné is VERY VERY weak has avery wealk heart is basically a skeletoon EXtremely low weight im so heartbroken!! God pelase feed her strengthen her heal her hela he rbowels hela the hernias hela the deofmritises heal her dementia and her nerves and very narrow arteries an dbloos pressure problems she is soooo skinny help Lord help us feed her hep her not to have food stuck and have excelelnt peristasis apelase strengthen her muscles and opelase dleiver her form all manne rof isckness and disease. please Lord Jesus Christ ims ostressed and qweka help em to give her what she eeds. pelase also give my mom wisdom. help us nto fight. pelase help heer tolove em and not hate me. pleas ehal er and set her free form all dmeons. please set my moter free form alld emons in the nam of the Lord Jesus Christ. caus ei cant feed her easily due to small bowel obstruciton syndorme and dtrapped waste hernia.. and fluid build up. needs healign form heart failure and oxygen problems and needs deliverance form possible tumor. dementia. NEds urgent miracl enow. i dotn want to lose her. Iam her caregiver me and my mom need help caring for her. She has been bedridden for years. i need helaign of diabetes insipudis and so does my grandma. Nmy grandma has very narrow arteries and POOR OXYGEN: i am worried all the time. Ineed the Lord to help her and our situaiton immideatley. Ineed help LORd pelase Lord Jesus chirs thela her and give her mbakc her mobility. pelas edleive rher fotm dementia and all her bed of illnes. Pelas ehela all my fmaily. urgentl yhela my dad lugns as well. PLeas elOrd need help i have lowe energy feel weak GOD HELP ME I BEG YOU Pleas ient he name of the lord jeuss Chirs tpleas ehela my grandma and dleive rher form all blockages in her bowels so she acan eat normal with no obstuctions and blood pressur eporblem help her have helathy proper elimination and proper bowel movements heal her brian so she can do this by Your stipes hela her and giv her helaign to her whole flehs I am sorry fo rmy sins. pelas ehal HElp Lord Jesus Christ. dleiver her form all trapped waste easily for oyur glory and bless all that hse eats and dirnks so she is so weak. pelase dlieve rher formte seizure and all weakness. Help her to move he rbody. hela all nerve damage and create new muscles. Peas ehal all my fmaily. heal my dads lugns. Lord Jeus chirst we need your helaign and intervention Lord Jeuss Chirs tpleas egive my grandma nd my fmaily Life Lord abundant LIfe and dleive rus form all evil now in the nam eo fht eLord Jeus chirst! Lor di thanky ou for your helaign I thnak you for oyur help PLease do the same for lal. HElp us Lord. Please giv eus LIfe!