Beloved of All
URGENT PRAYERS REQUEST: My grandma is in thehospital. please pray that she is healed of all neurological conditions, spasms, blood sugar problems and gastrointestinal problems. By the hands of Jesus the Christ, Saviour, Lord God and great Physician! The Holy One of Israel. and please pray God supernaturally heals my grandmas bowel gastrointestinal problems. She is currentl yin the gastrointestinal ward in Kistarcsai Korhรกz.please pray that if God willing overnight that diarrea will cease and that she will be pooping normally. please pray that she is breathing easily and that all spasms leave her body and all muscles cramps completely be healed by Jesus Christ, the root issue be healed and that she be delivered from all demons in th ename of Jesus Christ. By the Power of Jesus the Christ. in faith in His Word in Him. please pray she can open her eyes easily and that allinfection and all damage to her eyes all neruological damage be reversed and healed in Jesus Christ name. Please pray the Lord restore her vision completley for HIs Glory almighty God in Jesus Christ name. Please pray that all her body be delivered from all evil spirits for the glory of Go d in Jesus Christ name. PLease Lord JEsus heal Grandรฉ. heal all her body and please heal her for Your glory by Your stripes i put my faith in you Jesus the Christ that You can heal her from all muscles cramps and spasms and also heal grandรฉ from all every issues she has reguarding her diarreha. Please heall her body so that she is not having any gastro intestinal issues what soever. Please supernaturall do this Lord Jesus Christ. . no operation for her. Be her great physician like before. Please permanently heal her for Your glory reguaridng all her health inssues. Please give her permant healing in her hwole body and miracullously strengthen her form her scalp to her toes. Holy Spirit come upon Grandรฉ and her hel. Lord Jesus reveal yourself to her and all people. DO all that you can Jesus to save her and heal her and prolongue her life here on earth. PLEase beg you. Please brign her back home to us restored and healed fory our glory Lord Jesus please. miraculoulsy intervene in her body and heal all health disorders that she has and brign them into your order Lord Jesus. Thankyo u for healign her. Please do all that you can to give her excellnet blood pressure and heal her body of all obstructions. Please heall everyone at hat hospital and brign your salvation to all who enter their. please protect them form all unbelif towards you Jesus may all beliv ein you. May all have eternal life in you. Please prologue everyone life there please foryour Glory an dheal everyone their by your stripes. Be greatly glorified through my granma. Lord and in all my fmaily. use us to bless others. Help all my fmaily do your will and deliver my grandma from all obstrucstion that may be causing this in her body Lord Jesus by Your Stripes heal her and Beh er GREAT Phsician. Please aslo protect her and all who enter the hospital from corona virus and all coronoa virus mutations including me and my mom. Please heall all people including my grandma int he room of my grandma so that they are all healed of all sickness and diesease and the Lord deliver that room from all demonic spirits and all demonic influences int he name of Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus please be with my Grandma and hold her and heal her even as she sleeps. . please keep her hydrated and provide her with excellent nutrition excellent balanced electrolyties andthat all her cramps cease form her body . Please Lord Jesus please heal her muscle cramps, the root issue of the muscle hand spasms in Jesus Christ name. Please creal her pancreas and also please make it os she has stabilised sblood sugar and blood pressure. Please heal her body organs to wrok as jesus woul want them to by His stripes her her please Lord. Please Lord make it so that her body functions the way you want it t o. Please give her life to all her flesh adn strengthen her IN Jesus Christ name. Lord Jesus Please bring healing to her deformed toes and heal her from all neuropathy. please supernaturall heal her pancrease and be give her stabilized blood pressure and stabalized cirulation and also please give her stabilied excelent blood sugar. Alway Permanently stabilized. Please heal her kidneys form all kidney damage and heal her pancreas. please give my granma excellent insulin levels Lord and bring healing to all her body in Jesus Christ name. Please give my grandma the perfect balance of r Will Lord and please provide us with th ebest you can give us Lord. IN jesus Christ name. Please give my grandma peace that surpassses understanding. please protect her form all evil and dleiver her hands form all cramps and spasms and deliver her form the root cause of why thats happing all by Your stripes by YOur ways Lord Jesus and please give the doctory and us caregivers especially me and my mom so that never occurs again. Heal her hand please make it so that she she can open them herself. Lord please in Jesus Christ name. Please giv eher exccelnt sleep and lal people too . please wake us up all int he morngin and dleiver us all formt he cornona virus and please protect all people form all evil viruses. please dleiver this world form all viruses. and may you always be glorified. thank YOu JEsus. Thank You electrolytes and please Lord Jesus do this for your glory. Please I pray that you give th ebest medical care you possibly can for my granmda with the appropriate medical treat by Your will Lord. Lord I pray you remove the cathtar form her and may she poop and peep in a diapper. Please send the right nurses and physicins according to Your Will Lord. Lord Jesus You are healer and I ask your Will be done in Her life. Lord i beg you Lord Jesus if you are Will complete heal my Grandma by Your stripes. Please be her Savior and Lord and deliver her form all evil. Please help her get excellent sleep and please give my grandma a very merry heart. Please use my grandma greatly foru your Glory. Please favour my Grandma always and cause all people int he Hospital to treat her as the holy Spirit wants to. Please use my grandma to win souls to your Kingdom Lord Jesus and please heal her curculation and her blood. please heal my momy ciruculation and her blood and deliver her blood form all evil with your Holy blood Lord Jesus. Please wash my whole family in Your blood Jesus and make us clean and please by your stripe heall all my fmaily members and relatives and all the people int he world. May all belive in YOu Jesus. HElp our unbelif to you and deliver us form all false belifs concernign you. PLease Lord Jesus i place my grandma at your feet. Jesus please heal her please for you glory. Thank YOu for my grandma . Thank you for creating her. Thank you for blesssing us with her . I love her. Heal her and deliver her form all evil please for your Glory by your stripes and by Your powrr Lord Jesus . all glory is yours. Please please also do this from my mom, dad, brother, Bill, M, P, Andi,and all people. Save all people please Lord Jeus. thanky oyu for healing us Please Lord Jesus, i pray int he Holy spirit concernign my grandma. Please do all that you can to save her heal her and giv eher faith in You Jesus Christ. Please save her and please miraculolsy heal her wiht your healign touch. Please make her whole Lord and please make her healing permanent and her faith permanent forever belign in You Jesus. Please heall who are sick miraculoulsy right now in her room Lord JesusBy YOu Jesus. Heall all thos eon this site and bless all those on here. provide for all our needs and please reveal yourself to us all Jesus. Please deliver my mom form all blood cancer forever by your stipes Lord Jesus Christ. please Lord deliver my granmda , me, my mom and dad, my brother adn his wife and all my relative from all evil and Lord if the devil stole anything from us please give what belong sto us back Lord please, if the devil lied to us than please le tus know the turth and if the devil killed or destroyed anythign in our lives, please resurrect that back to life in our lives in Jesus Christ nname. Please heal my dads gout and heal his bones, strnethen him and give him a merry heart Lord Jeuss and my brother too. Help them to be men after your heart. restore my brothers marriage Lord and Jesus Christ name. Lord please do all in your power to give me and my fmaily and all people the abundant life Jesus came to give us. For Your praise and Glory. Thank YOu Jesus for our lives. Youa re the Life. Help us to know oyu and follow you and trust you. Thank you for brignign healign to my teeth today and facial bones Lord while i was praying. Thank You Jesus for healing me Praise sot You. Thank YOu Jesus for brigning healing to Grandรฉ. Please continue to heal her Lord Jesus and complete heal her soon and give her excelelnt health , excellent bowel movements and no more cramps for your praise and Glory. and please give us all wisdom to help her. give us all wisdom who you have placed to give her care. Please please Lord i neg you please prolongue her life and may she be made whole by the stripe sof Jeuss Christ. Lord im sorry forbeign neglegent of her. I pray you heal her and make her whole. and completley heal her and i pray you heal her neurological function so she can walk again, talk without and zavarรกsok, please heal her and all people fromm all neurological malfunction in Jesus Christ name. Please also protect and provide th ebest care for her Son Vilike. Please reveal yoursel to Vilike Lord Jesus and use Him greatly for your glory. Please make it som y granmas back home Healthier than ever made whole by the glor yof God miraculoulsy and that she and her son are soon reunited again. Please miraculoulsy provide for my grandma. Every need she has so that she is healed by Jesus and beliv es in the Lord wiht all her heart. I pray for this for allpeople too. Please protect my fmaily form accidents and may no ill fall upon my grandma int he hospital and may their be absolutley no foolishness towards her form anyone over theri. let no mistakes be made concernign her. my God guide those whe are caring for her to give her th ebest treatment- the treatment God wants her to have. Give them wisdom by Your Holy spiritand give me and my mom wisdom in all things and also my whole family. please restore my family Lord. Please may we all be doign You