Disciple of Prayer
Please pray for Raaj, 56 years old. He was rushed to emergency when his blood sugar shot up very high on 18 April and now unconscious for 3 days. He had mild stroke 5 years ago, recovered and was doing well. Before he was admitted, he was very ill with severe back pain, couldnt get up without help. He went for a massage on Saturday 17 April and was able to walk and drove on his own. On Sunday, he went out early but forgot bring his phone. He was sent back home by strangers in a very bad shape. He couldnt walk, right leg twitching bad, left leg no function at alk. He looked disoriented, slurring. At the emergency, his blood sugar and blood pressure was very high. He was alert but on 25 April, his heart stopped. He was revived but unconscious. Yesterday there was slight improvement when he opened his eyes and moved his hand weakly but still unconscious. CT brain scan show nothing.
Im asking for prayers in this critical situation. I ask God to help in getting the right doctors with the right diagnosis to help him recover fast.
May God have mercy on him.
Thank you so much. God blesz.
Im asking for prayers in this critical situation. I ask God to help in getting the right doctors with the right diagnosis to help him recover fast.
May God have mercy on him.
Thank you so much. God blesz.