Natalie A
Humble Prayer Warrior
Hello PR community. Happy New Year. Hope you all have a blessed day & prosperous year.
Thank you Heavenly Father for allowing my family and I to see another day. We thank U for all that U do and continue to do.
Prayer Update:
Well thank U Heavenly Father & PR community for your prayers. They were answered. I had a meeting with my manager a few days ago regarding my work productivity. I had a long talk with her explaining my reasons for not being able to meet their expectations. Even though, she isn't relatable, I am thankful that she seemed to be more understanding this time around. She even said that I don't have to worry about losing my job & that she understands and is more concerned about me as a person than she is of me as an employee/co-worker.
Lord, even though, management seems to be a little compassionate, I am asking for your grace and mercy over this situation. I pray that you give me the speed, the wisdom, experience, competence and everything in between that I need that I need to be successful in my job.
Also Lord, my family and I are having difficulties making ends meet since we are done to only my income. We owe so many people. Lord, please continue to help us find a way to be more prosperous, more productive and more competent in finding ways to bring more money into our homes because creditors/debtors don't care what is going on in your life, they just want their money. Lord, please help us stay in our homes, Please open doors of opportunity, expose us to more resources that can help us out. For we need help with our mortgages, utilities, groceries, car expenses, need money for clothes and everything else in between. If anyone knows of any resources that can help someone in my situation, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, Lord, I pray that my spouse gets approved for SSI and that I get approved for FMLA and that we can get our life insurance reinstated. I pray that my family continues to put you first each and every day. I pray especially for healing mercies over my spouse's illness. Free him from all tumors plaguing his body. Also, Lord, I pray that the chemo treatment he's receiving is working. I pray that when he gets his extrays done, that they show that the tumors have shrunk. I pray for spiritual and financial blessings. In Jesus' name. I claim victory over this situation. Lord, please continue to pray for the sick, shut-ins, the disenfranchised, the deceased and all those struggling with battles we know nothing about. Please continue to pray over the PR community. I claim victory over this situation. In Jesus' name. Amen
Asking for your prayers at this time. I have a meeting with my manager this afternoon regarding my productivity. I have had quite a few challenges the past year. I lost my beloved mother almost 6 months ago and 3 months later my spouse was diagnosed with advanced cancer which has been overwhelming to deal with and had affected us emotionall, physically & most of all financiall. I am the only one working at the moment and really need my job. Please pray over the powers that be that they are compassionate about my situation. I come to work everyday and do my very best. Please pray over me, for me & with me during these trying times. Pray that I can keep my job withowithout the added pressure. Also, pray for better employment for me in the months to come, closer to home, better hours, benefits and better pay. Also, pray for medical healing and miracle over my spouse. I claim victory over this situation. I'm Jesus' name. Amen