Humble Prayer Partner
Good morning, prayer request members, and I have a very urgent request so my best friend is going through so much since February 14th which was his birthday and he came back to my house late Monday night after a few days after his birthday but he was telling me how when he was with the female she basically tried getting him killed and he did try to leave her house but she was holding him against his will and wouldn’t let him leave her place but luckily he was able to leave and make it back to my house and he was telling how she is wishing all types of bad things upon him and his life and he told so much more things too and she is being too possessive over him and he doesn’t like it. But I just pray that Jesus Christ removes any bad things and thoughts that will come towards him and make sure he is protected and safe everywhere he goes that nothing will happen to him and that he doesn’t do anything that can get him harmed. I definitely pray that Jesus Christ please remove the female out of his life that she will not have any type of communication with him at all and that she will never be able to see or speak to him again with her or be around her cause all she wants to do is bring danger to him only because he didn’t want to be with and around her anymore so please Jesus Christ make sure you will remove her from his life because she is absolutely no good for him at all and he is definitely not seeing that still after I tried to tell him that multiple times already and she tried to flip the story on him as if he did something when he didn’t do anything wrong and she is manipulating him and need to be completely cut out of his life for good. But he was also telling me how everyone that he called to help him leave nobody wanted to pick up the phone or help him unless if it involved him doing something for them, so I pray that Jesus Christ please keep removing bad people from his life and keep revealing to him who the real people are in his life and reveal people real intentions towards him so that he knows who to surround himself with and who not to be around him and to remove communication on his phone from people that not good for him in his life and that he lets them go completely and doesn’t let those people back into his life like he keeps doing cause he is scared to lose more people even though he knows they are not good for him. I also pray that Jesus Christ please put him in the right direction and help him to make all the right decisions and not any of the wrong decisions that can put his life in danger so I need him to really think about things before he does it so he knows it would be a beneficial decision and not the wrong decisions and he need to stay in the house with me like he said he wants to do to get his mind back right so please make sure he does that and doesn’t go anywhere cause right he went to that place again right now and now he’s back at the location I told him to never go back to that place but please Jesus Christ watch over him and make sure nothing happens to him and make sure he will come back to my house today like he did yesterday again and not go anywhere else that he doesn’t need to go to. Also, the other day at 12 AM, he found out that he lost his very closest cousin to him and everyone in his family is blaming him for it even though he was at the house with me and not in anything and he was minding his business like always and now since his family members are blaming him he feels like it’s his fault for his cousin’s death even though he know he didn’t do anything wrong and he wasn’t around when it happened and he was literally crying on the phone with me asking Jesus Christ to please desperately help him get through this situation and to remove this female from his life too cause she is causing too much pain and damage to his life that he was trying so hard to fix before she came into his life cause he really doesn’t know what to do and how to remove this person completely from his life and he doesn’t know how to think or feel when it comes to his cousin death and he really wants Jesus Christ guidance to get him through all of this going on and really put him on the right path that he was going in before he started messing with that female cause the other night when he found out his cousin passed away he went to that female’s place thinking that he can get comfort from her in the time that he needed it the most but she did the complete opposite and didn’t care about him at all and what he was going through at the moment so then he called me and he was on the phone with me for two hours straight while crying in pain over his cousin and daughter and then he was only at her place for one day cause he was really trying to get his mind off of things but she makes it worse so then yesterday around 1 PM he called me and he was telling him how he had to escape her place again cause she was trying to hurt him again and as he was going to the train he literally had to run to train because he told me that she was following after him but since he started running she couldn’t keep up with him and then he made it to the train with no problems and he was able to get on the train and make it all the way back to my house but when all of this was happening he was also very drunk so the female knew he was drunk and thought she was going to be able to hurt him but he didn’t let that happen and yesterday once again he said he was single and not in a relationship with her anymore after trying to give her so many chances to try to see the good in her but there’s nothing good to her at all and now today she called his phone trying to question him about his location and whereabouts and try to make it seem like he is lying about his locations and who he be around cause she doesn’t want anybody else around him but he told me and cry to me that all he wants is for her to leave him alone for good and to never speak or see her again and he doesn’t even want her to have any type of communication or relationship with him and he just wants to cut ties with her completely but he was crying out loud to Jesus Christ asking him to please remove her from his life completely cause he doesn’t know how to do it cause every time he tries she finds her way back in to ruin his life and to put his life in danger and he is such a good and nice person that he doesn’t know how to let her go by himself cause she keeps coming back and starts manipulating him again so he really need Jesus Christ to help remove her from his life so he can focus on getting his life back together and be around people that he knows he can trust and knows he’s not going to be harmed and he wants Jesus Christ to really protect him with every where he goes and really show him how to navigate through his cousin’s death and to know that he is protected by the lord and that nothing will happen to him and that he will make all the right choices that will benefit him in a good way and that no harm comes his directions and also how he is thinking about his daughter birthday yesterday and this is first birthday that he can’t spend with her because she was killed a few months ago and she would’ve been six years old yesterday and I know he wanted to a candle lighting for her but he can’t if this female keeps being a bad manipulative distraction to his life, so please Jesus Christ he really needs you right now to help him get through all this stuff that is going on for him right now because he really doesn’t know what to do and how to feel and he was really asking and pleading out loud in tears and devastating emotions for your help and guidance to please take control of his life and help him remove all the bad influences and bad people in his life that doesn’t belong in his life at all and he wants them out for good without turning back and them coming back into his life once they are removed from his life cause he even said he doesn’t know if it’s Jesus Christ or the devil trying to get to him. An hour ago he called my phone and the manipulative female that he is around again right now still, she was arguing and yelling at him for nothing and accusing him of doing erratic behaviors but I was on the phone with him the whole time and he wasn’t even yelling and he was talking calmly and normal and she ended up calling the cops on him and try to make it seem like it was a domestic violence situation going on between them even though he didn’t do anything wrong at all and she didn’t even want to fill out a report when the cops came cause she knew he didn’t even do anything wrong that she was accusing him of doing before the cops got there but she keeps starting issues for no reason. But Jesus Christ I’m asking too for him cause he really doesn’t deserve this and he was really trying his best to change his life around for the best but he can’t because this female keeps finding her ways to come back in and ruin it and be a very good manipulative person and he said he is tired of missing all the signs that people keep trying to tell him to do in order to make himself better in life and he wishes that he would listen to me more but he can’t because this female keeps manipulating him and being his very bad distraction that he doesn’t need at all and doesn’t want anymore but doesn’t know how to remove her from his life without her coming back in, so I’m asking you can you please desperately remove her from his life cause he doesn’t know why she isn’t being removed out his life after crying about it and everything she tried to do toward him to harm him and I know every time I prayed for him my prayers always works and I always get the outcome I want and need so Jesus Christ can you please answer this prayer for him and help him cause he really needs it the most. Right now he texted me a few hours ago and said that lawyer wants him to come in turn himself in but he doesn’t know why cause he hasn’t been doing anything wrong and been minding his business and now he wants his little brother to come bring me his bag of clothes cause he doesn’t know what is going on and at least he will know his stuff will be with me but Jesus Christ I pray that nothing happens and that he will come home back to my house right now instead of his brother bringing his stuff for him or that he goes to see his lawyer like she wants him too but then he always comes home right after seeing his lawyer and that nothing will happen to him cause the last time his lawyer said she wanted him to come in and turn himself in, he came in and was there with his lawyer for an hour and he didn’t have to turn himself in for something he never did and his lawyer was able to get him out of the courthouse with no problems at all and nothing happened and he was still able to come home to me like always, so I pray that Jesus Christ please protect him right now and let no wrongdoing happened to him at all and make sure his lawyer does her job like always and protects him from any wrongdoing that is trying to come his way and that he doesn’t go to jail for something that he didn’t do so please Jesus Christ I desperately need you to protect him like you always do when I pray for him and make sure he will come back home to me again after seeing his lawyer since she wants to see him cause he told me that she said he didn’t go to his program but he has so much on his mind right now and now dealing with the death of his older cousin from Monday and on Tuesday was his firstborn daughter/child sixth birthday and he wasn’t able to spend it with her like he normally does because she was killed a few months ago so right now he is going through so much grief and he has to get his mind straight to focus on anything else so I desperately need his lawyer to see that and see that why he wasn’t able to do his things like he normally does cause normally he does everything that his lawyer tells him to do but since he is going through so much more right now and he doesn’t know how to handle it, his mind isn’t focus on the things he needs to be focus on because of the grief and pain he is going through and this manipulation relationship he keeps going through with this female so I pray that Jesus Christ please make sure when he sees his lawyer in the morning that she sees what he is going through and sees why he wasn’t able to do anything that he is normally supposed and able to do like his program that he normally does weekly and that the court and judge please give him another chance cause he really deserves it because he does everything he has to do but right now he is just going through very hard times and needs to get his mind right on track again but please I’m asking Jesus Christ to please give him another and have the court and judge give him another chance to prove to them that he will continue to still do the right thing cause he really hasn’t been in any trouble and hasn’t been doing anything wrong at all so please give him another opportunity and chance to show his worth and see how he has been trying his best and please don’t let the court and judge let him get locked up because of his program cause he doesn’t deserve that at all when he really is trying his best.