Beloved of All
Urgent!!! prayer request. my gradmas in the hospital. pleas epray Jesus saves an dheals her for HIs glory by His power by His means. By His WIll. God help ! Only you can save and heal. Lord help! i need you to help her and my family. save us guide us VERY strogn with your Holy spirit. give all physicians and medical staff wisdom and guid ethem with your Holy spirit in all things concerning my grandmas health. Let no mistake sor foolishness or negelgence be mad eint he caring for my granmda. let them be guide dby God Holy Spirit Lord Jesus. Bless all thos ehwo pray for my granmda and elp her in anyway. Jesus PLEASE prolognue my grandmas life and heal her bed of sickness so she has no more malfunction in her neurons and no more neurological probems. Please giver her peace that surpasses understandign in Christ a very merry heart and faith and Hope in Jesus Christ. I pray you give her faith unto salvation and heal all her diesases and forgive all her iniquities. Please Jesus by your stripes Heal My Grandma immeadealtey and full wholeyy. Giv ehe rLIfe JEsus. Giv eus all life.pleas epray all spasms leave her body in Jesus Christ name. that by the stripe sof Jesus Christ she be healed. i pray that God interves that sh eis not dehydrated and all neurological damage be reserved an dheale dby Jesus the Christ. PLEAse i ebg you Lord Jesu pleas eheal my granmd a as soon as you can by your stripes, may the prayer of faith heal her and may she be forgiven of all sins God. I pray my grandma in your hands Jesus Christ. pleas eprotect us and all peopel at the hosptial from all evil in JEsus Christ name. and Jesus heal brign healing to all through Jesus CHrist. Salvation in Jesus CHrist. help our unbelef in you Jesus. please help my grandma in eevry way oyu can Lord Jesus.. Jesus please heal and restore my grandma back to health in Jesus CHrist name. please Lord Jesus what the enemy has stolen or taken away form her please give back to her Lord Jesus. Please save allpeoplea t the hospital. please may God use my grandma to further his KIngdom. Jesus save my grandm aand use her to save others. Lord only let me speak what you want me to, only let me do what oyu want me to. and guide me with your Holy spirit. i pray this for all people too. jesus please protect me and mom and grandma and allpoeple at the hospital form all evil, including protecting us form alle vil viruses , bacteria, infectins. Lord Jesu please help : i am weak so weak. HELP! Pleas ehelp my to pray for others. pleas ehela p me to share the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus reveal yourself to me. please reveal your self to my mom and grndma and please do all that you can to save and heal my grandma completey allf ro the glory of the God. Jesus pleas ehal my grandma and restore all electrolyte imbalance and heal her organs. Save and heal her Jesus. Let no evil touch her. or anyoen at the hospital. heal all the people at the hospital and guide all peopel with yur Holy Spirit. JEsus I NEED your Help.Please heal Grandé for oyur glory. Lord ..please send holy angels to minister to her and us ad also for all peoples salvation in Christ. Lord help me.. please provide for all our needs. please provide the best medical treatment to my grandma.
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