Humble Servant of All
urgent my mosm eneds prayers for her heart and salvation and my grandma too. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy otuch mymoms heart and heal her and ma grandma ofall sickness and disease. please odnt allow any evilt o enter her heart or sickness. helamy moms periodontosis disease. help to to pray Lord. lhelp me.. Lord help me be a good caregiver. give me strgnth. LOrd OYu are doctor Please heal mymother. YOu alone are the Lord.YOu alone have all the power. Lord hela us. Heal us : Lord Heal mym om. dleiver her formt ehdevil. deliver her formt he devil ine evry wa.y deliver her thoughts her minds her brian her body her heart formt hed elvil. lrod Jesus Christ save her. hear her.allisssues. Please Lord Jesus Christ heal Schneider Vilmosné and my mom Schneider Judit of all circulatory complications remove the root caus eof mymoms heart disease and grandmas too. Heal their bodies Lord Jesus Christ please strengthen htheir bodies please hela my dads gout. give my mom ver ymeerry heart dleiver her form alle vils pirits. Bring healign to all her flesh Lord Jesus Christ thank you So Much Please heal my mom for Your Glory. Lord you have all the glory. Please pLease Savior Please Lord. Hela all thos ewho have heart disease. heal those hwo have heart attaxcks saves all souls Lord Jesus Christ save all souls please save all souls save us please. please deliver ufs form covid frrm every fom of hell. remove all hell form my moms bodyLord Jesus Christ by You Porwer. Please remove all hell form ym grandmas body. Lord Jesus Christ caus eof ot know you. Live among us. Hela mymoms mind her thoughts her heart. Heal her heart iwth yur Love . remove al strepteccocous bacteria form ymmoms heart. Clean her with your Hoylblood Lord Jesus Christ clean her pelase cleanse her with your Holy blood. Cleanse us wash aus allw ith your Hoyl Blodd. Protectus formt eh evil One. Let no weapon formed against me ormLord Jesus Christ deliver my momf romt eh devils hands. Lord Jesus Christ please saave her protect herf rom aevil. Lord and my grandma to. Dleiver us formt ehdevils hands LOrd brign healign to those who are sick. jsutice to poor and needy and please pleaeed o all iny orupower to save an dhela my moma nd grandma dad and vilike and brother an dwife and fmaily. forgive mxy sins.t hanky ouf or healign me. prasie report the Lord heale dmy jaws.. LORD thnak you Lord giv eme intimacy iwht you I want intimicy wiht yu Lord give us all intimicy iwht oyu Lord Please Lord Jesus Christ give me intimicy wiht you. Glro yoraise Honour is yours forever lord Jesus Christ be glorified. You desevre all the glory!!!!
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