Humble Servant of All
URGENt. my grandma schneide rvIlmosné is in Hospital. Pleas epray she doe snot die but God heals her for His Glory Please. Very serios. she has high blood pressure. due to deformed body. she cannot pee properly and relase waste and the pressur eis so high becuas eher bod yis deformed. Lord please heal her defomities now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and dleiver she form all pressure all waste and heal and strenghten her heart arteries. please give ger oxygen to all her cells. PLEASe i beg yo pray that the Lord miraculously positions her body so that she can function properly. Please Lord make it so her body functions properly and her heart is heald and her veins and arteries. Please Lord Jesus Christ deliver her form all deformities heal her body. Make it so that YOu touch Grandé and heal her spone and muscles and osteoprosis and shift all her body parts into proper position pleas ei beg you we need amiracle for her. Please strngthen her heart and give the doctorys and physician wisdom
elaseheal her all body malfunctions now int he nameo f the Lord Jesus Christ and dleivers Grandé's body form all demons in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Please heall her body so that she is not having any gastro intestinal issues what soever. Please supernaturall do this Lord Jesus Christ. . no operation for her. Be her great physician like before. Please permanently heal her for Your glory reguaridng all her health inssues. Please give her permant healing in her hwole body and miracullously strengthen her form her scalp to her toes. Holy Spirit this time the pressur edid not go down.. pleas epleas epray she does not have ahert attakc that her heart recieve oxygen adn all her cells. please. so urgent like neevr beofre please pray the Lord Jesus miracucoulsy heals her. VERY VERY SERSOUS!!!!!!!! pleas ei dont want to lovser her please!! this time sits super urgent the pressure did not go down we were int he hospital cam ehoem at 2 am ( mom and me. please pray that God heals grandée cross syndrome. her muscles are obstruction her form peeing pooping excretign waste properly and weird discharge comes out . really weircd please thisis so urgent .the pressur eownt did not go down. me and mom gave GRandé a ton of medication like a ton and then even in the hospital they gave her a ton of medication 9:43 we were in the waiitng room for MAny hours waiting to get news of Grandé. He blood pressure still high. her bod yi deformed. please pray God heals her body and realigns er body.she has a ton of pressure due to hernia in her back and front and the muscles around her body are loos and cramped and not sitting properly on her hips. her are not aorund her hip but in her hips. their is only a VERY tiny space for her stomach and even eating the tiniest bit of food causes intesne high blood pressure all thet ime. along with this she has cross syndrom.. her muscles do not hot her abdomen properly.. her spine is very defomed . she has bee lying in bed for 1. 5 years now. all movment to he ris dangerous. because of pinched neverves pinched and misaligned spine and organs. so much so her hands are also deformed.. her nevrse signals are defomre.s She needs A miracle now. so that everythign aligns and is healed healed according to the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ. her body cannot release the pressure bevcuas eof many pinche dnevered and sopinal and abdomincal area. she canot reall have much room in her stomach. only a few spons per half hour. it is small boel obstruction syndrom. please pray the Lord heals her small bowel obstruction and hernia and miraculously relaigns her body so the pressure and can go down sso she does not have high blood prassure when moving her or when she eats. ITS VERY SERIOUS CONDITION ADN DENGEROU: pelase Her muscles are so tight she canot Pee !!! 9:49 properly. all fluids all gas is stuck and VEry difficult to get out. Please pray God delivers her form all pressure gas bloatin and waste easily so she has proper blood pressure IT IS VERY DANGEROUS VERY DANGEROUS: i dotn want to loose her please pray that God realigns her spine and all her organs to fit properly so she can pee poop and eliminate easte properly for His Glory in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. that the hernia and pinched nerves be healed and God massages the muscles into the proper posistion for her to breath pee poop properly. and God strneghten sher heart. THIS IS SO EXTREMELY SERIOS PLEASe Pray AT ALL TIMES: THis is extremly dangerous condtition. PLEASE ALSOPRAY THAT all staf and doctors and all people carign for her give her the tratment that God wants her to have and please pray that holy angery minister and heal Grandé, Please pray the Lord Jesus Christ touches her soine and realigns all her abdomen supernaturaly bevcuase is the only way Grandé can be healed. Her blood pressure did not go down. IM terrified. like never ever ever before. Please pray God does all in His power to heal Grandé by His stripes. For his glory. we need and urgent miracle. please PRAY like never before. Grandé cannot release fliuds.. extreme her body her abdomed is deformed extremes and the muscles do not fit in proper posistion... Please im terified. this itme .. its never been this bad ever