Beloved of All
urgent my grandma is ill. recently came hoem form hspital prayinf for the LOrd Jesus Christ to save her and heall her of all manenr of illness and disease and body deformities and malfunction thank you for praiyng God bless you! thank You!!Please pray in agreement that by the blood of the Lord Jesus ChristChrist My grandma is healed of all oxygen neurological, circulatory, blood infection and blood inpurities, organd disorders and skeletal deformities healed permantley by the Holy Blodd of the Lord Jesu Christ. delivered of small bowel syndrome, demencia and aldo she can breath easily see easily bling and all movemen tis restored to her for Gods Glory. so she has oxygen excellent blood pressure circulation and no breathign issues or dehydration is issues or nutirtion delifciencie, enzyme deifciancies her neurotransmiteros to be healed for her body to be full whole in Christ. with eleectrolite perfect finction in every way for God glory. please Lord deliver her form all evil aand deliver her form all toxins for Your glory and by Your poer. Lord Heavenly FAther I come to your throne with the blood of Your Only Begotten Son , Our Lord and Saviour, and I ask in the name of Jesus Christ that you please heal my grandma permanltey and completrely of all illness and malfucnion and that you save her soul and be greatl yglorified through HEr. Lord all praise to YOu all Glory all power iy Yours!! In th enam above all names I ask in the nam eof Jesu Christ. Lrd also dleiver her of all blood impurities giver her the bood that Jesus purcased for her on the cross of the Lord JEsus Christ. . Thank you Lord for dying to save us heal us and I pray that your reveal yourself to all people through my grandma at the hospital. Lord Jesu Chris tuse my granmda VERY greatly for your glory and heal her form all severe spasms and all spasms and that she can open her eyes agin and breath easily and that she has no more nerve signal malfunction. Please deliver my grandma fromt he root cause of her cramps and also do not aloow anym more nerve malfunctions in her body ever again as well as heal her prenantly form dementia for the glory of God. I come to YOu HEavely Fathe rto your throne int he name of the Lord and Savior of all, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to do all in His power to save the soul of my grandma, forgive her sins with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and her sol. I pray you deliver her form all unbelief towards your Son the Lord Jesus Christ and she has a very clear true personal encounter with you the true living God- wiht the Lord JEsus Christ. Lord do all in your power that you make her hwole. I come to you in faith that you can make her whole. Please forgive me for not doing better job careging. please forgive me. Please do all in your power to bring her home healed and restored for YOUR glory Lord Jesus Christ. FOr yours and YOurs alone. Not my glory YOur glory. BY your poer. All power is Yours. Lord you are the great physician and i thank you thank you for all the times and continuosly fahioning and and all the times you healed my grandma. Please give my grandma faith so strong in you Lord Jesus Chirst and she receve your healing tat You purchased for her when you died for her sins when you died to reconcile her to Yourself. Lord You died to reocncile her to Yourself. please may she beliv ewiht all her heart in you and truly know you and experience Your presence your healiing touch your presence in such a major way that she glorifies you so strongly in the hospital that all will know. Lord heavenly FAther please dleiver hr form all her bed of sickness and heal her blood, circulatory system, respitory syste m malfunction and if their are any damage that God does a HUGE miracle in Her life and heal her and restore her make her whole according to the stripe sof our HEavenly Father in the nam eof the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord may your purposes for her be fulfilled and please use her for your Glory I place my faith in you I place my grandma in your hands in expectation. Lord Jesus Chris ti belive you are our Heavenly FAther. You doed to reconcile my grandma to herself. your died that she may have eternal life through You when you died you purchased her healing . Lord I know oyu already healed her i pray that she recieves the healing form You in faith LOrd Jesu Christ. Please let her encounter You LOrd JEsus Christ your life saving life givng power and deliver her form all her bed of sickness. Please forgive all her sins, wash her in Your blood Lord JEsus Christ please and make her hwole. Thank you purchasing her soul God with Your Holy Blood please do all that you can that she encounters You, knws you and recieves your Healing by faith. Lord I ask that you give my grandma faith in You LOrd JEsus Christ so much so that she recieves all the healing that you wnt for her instantaeously. Lord HEavenly Father If oyu be willing be please do this and heal my grandma by the stripe sof the Lord Jesus Christ for HIs gllory ot the prais eand glor yof His name. LOrd JEsus Christ i place the life of my grandma into your Holy blood that was shed for the forgivness of her sins. Please you came so that she may have life an dlif ein abundance . Pelase do not allow the devil to take her life or health or anythign that You purchased for her in any way please I ask YOu this in Your HOly name in the name of the Lord jEsus the Christ. Please give back to my grandma what YOu purchased for her.. please all of it and do not allow the devil to take away her soul, her life her body , all that she is in any way shape or form in the name of the Lord JEsus Christ i ask you this request Lord. I thanky ou for the blood fo Jesus the Christ. Not my Will be odne but Yours. Please save my grandma Lord Jesus r, please LOrd JEsus christ destroy ALL the works of the deivl in her life, completely remove every demonic power or influence that is over eher lif ein any way for Your Glory and by YOur power and please I ask that this removal of the devil complete removal of the devil over her life in any way shape or form this removal of the devil be permanent in her life forever in the name of the Lord and Savior the nameabove all names, the name of the Lord Jesus the Christ by the power of the holy Spirit the Power of the Lord JEsus Christ be upon my grandmas life, Schneider VilmosnΓ©, pOrtscher Judit's life that the devil must fless permanantley form her life in every way and the Lord restores her an dmakes her whole For HIS Glory .