Humble Servant of All
URgent my grandm ais Schneinder Vilmosné ill. please pray that the Lord heals her heart veins an arteries form blockages high blood pressure issues now clears her bowels she has been bedridden for years. please pray fo rher salvation. Please pray she is very ill. she has a deforme dbody and cannnot get waste out eaisly. was hospitilized several times. came hoem not long ago. pelas epray God heals her spinal injuries cross syndrome high blood pressure heart adn all issues that she is having and brain dementica healign too.please pray urgent she i very ill cannot get wasteout. please shes been tryin ghard to get wasteout and had high blood pressure thank you for praying. pleas epray fo rmy mom she walkign wiht a limp she hurt whil taking out garbage. pleas epray for her fast recovery for her salvation and healign fo periodontosis disease. Pleas epray my nephro diabete sinsipidus is healed. i am sick since several years. i cannot sleep caus ei pee and dirnk all ngiht im so exhausted an di have los t alarge amoutn of weight. pleas pray the Lord Jesus Cchrist deliver sme form all manner of sickness and disease. ia m suffering form big depresseion. pleas epra yme an dmy mom do not fight that God helps us with our careging duties and chores and all our work. Lord please help me im so depressed. me and my fmaily need mor joy in our lives. for year swe dont even leave the home and now the ambulance stole our money too. Lor daskign you to please do miraculous helaign and restoration in my fmaily . Please save all of my family Lord Jesus Christ and hel us. Please protect my whole family form covid 19 and covid 19 virus. please bring healing to my grandma urgently pleas eheal her 100% all of her Lor dplease give my fmaily helaign where they need it for Your glory and by Your power Lord Jesus Christ. Please giv eus abundant life. i pray this also for allpoepl. Lor dhave mercy help me find my moms id number or better give me her card Lord. help em find it. Lor di am so incredibly exhausted. Please give me and my whoel fmaily strength. Pleas ei beg you . IM sorry fo rmy covetousness. help me not to covet. Lor dim lonley alway isnt he house. i need major help. pleas eim sick lonely tired and exhausted. pleas ehela my granmda. Lord do all iny our power to heal her and all who are sick. have mercy. Lord pleas eheal my moms heart to PLease guide all peopel with your Holy spirit. Lord if their is anythign you can do to help me and my grandma dn mom and dad and brother and wife and all family and all chrictians and and all peopel pleas emake sure we get oyu healign and help now. please Lord im soo weary.. help me no Lord . please thank you for Your salvation Lord Jesus Christ. Please save all peopel heal th esick rais ethe dead. brign me back to life and my grandma nd fmaily. giv eus Lif eLord. Like neevr before. we need healign . Please please heal my gandma of all sickness and disease. please let her know the healign powe rof God and also my mom and once again I would like helaign too Lor.d forgive me for being disobedent. im not motivate.d i feel so stuck and it hurts me. help Lord pleas ehelp the women who feel stuck yat hoem allt he time. its hsurts. it really hruts. im so depressed. please help Lord. Please giv emy granmda life. please God hela my mom my dad of all illnes and sickness. please heal all thos ehwo have cancer who have diseases pleaseeh al all peopel who have flesh eatign bacteria and please dleiver themf ormt he flesh eatign bacteria for good. please giv emoney tot he poor. please give us warm water and heating. please make the house warm. please protect our home finances and bodies souls and posession and minds form all evil. i pray this for my family myself and all peopel. Lord Jesus Chris tpour out your Holy spirit on all felssh. Please hela my teeth my moms teeth sadd