Beloved of All
Urgent: my grandam need healign form small bowel obstructionsyndorem URgently. he rblood pressure VEry high pela speelas and also her tongue changign colur soemtimes to liek blckish colour.pelase pray their is no obstrucitons ot her bowel movements and rbeahitgn . or blood gflow or oxygen.Lor dpeas ebelss my grandm aiwht mriacle relasementof obstrucitosn liek kidnes bladder stones andyhtign odo wiht bladde rpelas ehal dleiver her foromt he hernia . deliver V form bladder cancer. dleiver my grandma form all ucnlean spirits trapped waste. pelas epray urgently tha the Lor dofrgive smy sisn. aso i have an extrmeley extrmely extmeley diffiuclt tiem commuciatign wiht my mom and i dotn want us ot have bad relaitosnhsip. she has asperger syndorm ena di hav eno idea how to eb heard or seen yb er and i pray God opens her eyes and mien too so i can understand her and she can understand me. im askign God for a mriacl ehaling of her brian and amalgan filligns be remove miracuusly and heaign for ehr briana nd body. i also ask God to ehlp me wiht the matress change and also no neighbours hear us fighitgn and we no logne rfight. however my mom ahs soem hearign issues tha tnedds healign .she speak REAlly loud and the toen and vuleme is too mcuh for my mind and im so incredibly sensitve ot her vice adn "4/7 comamnds is exhauitng aksign God pelas ehlp with my sensor yissue sand also help wit h commucniation and giv eme mroe strngth and enrgy.a ksign God ot hel my brothe rhis wife and ittle higrl form covid asking that my nephew in siste rin law womb be unahrme dby covid.Lor dsurroudn them wiht holy angels and proivde themthe necessary foods medical atteniton. pelase amke fever go down for neice. or daso pelas ehal my dad sheart an digv eplenty of oxygen to his heart and lugns.dleive rhimf orm from spianl fractre and root cause of osteoporisi askign Godtimirauclusly provide miralce cnadian passport fo rmy da dif He is IWllignand aso that i can see my da dsoo i havent seen him in years. askign God to send soemeon compassionat eot help my dad obstain candian citizenand also Lor ddlieve rhimf ormhomelssness and also hela my brother form istmian intolerance. askign God to heal V formautism and colechialism askign God to ehal Bsbrian dn my brothers formapserger syndorme. Askign God to reveal root caus eof asperger snyodrme and remove all dgentic curses adn unclean spirits be remove dform my ife and fmialy ipelad OYu Hoyl bloodLor dJeus Chirs ti aks you remov elal evil pleas eofrmmylfie and fmaiyl and B andhubby fomthe Lord.