Prayer Partner
ANYONE who has a second I ask that you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PRAY for my family! My family has been ripped apart! This horrible nightmare has been going on since May 2012. Due to a false allegation made by a neighbor against my husband. The Lord knows the truth and our hearts. Both me and my husband have since become unemployed and are struggling severely . We are Both VERY proud Christian parents to 3 beautiful children that need to be at home with their parents. Without a Paid attorney in the state of Georgia your word means nothing. Unfortunately with no work we cannot afford A Lawyer at this time. We have learned that the judge has only heard one side of the story and unfortunately without a Lawyer he will not know the truth. This past year has completely DESTROYED OUR LIVES!! Like I said The Lord knows our hearts and the truth... I ask anyone and everyone to please keep my family in your prayers. Thank You for taking time to read this request. God Bless!!