Beloved of All
*URGENT Lord, can you please guide me to the right choice and with who I must live, my baby's father or with my mother. I am 6 weeks pregnant and got separated from my baby's father... both my ex and my mom are emotionally and psychologically abusive...except my mother is controlling, my ex is irresponsible.. I am stuck between the wall (my ex) and the sword (my mom). My mom tried to control every aspect of my life and puts insecurity ideas in my head to make me insecure to control me. I am 31, this has been going on through my whole life and she has been controlling my relationships and friendships, till i have no one but her, and she abuses me. Meanwhile my ex, did a lot of bad stuff before me, lied and hid stuff from me and chooses to plan his life with his brother instead of me, his pregnant partner. I was treated like the third wheel... only important when he wanted sex... So yeah, both choices are not good... He also likes to hit and talk to younger girls, including underaged ones.... I'm not sure what to do Lord, everyone chooses my mom but they only know her by her social personality not her real one at home. Both of them are not good for me or my baby.... and they are the only two choiced I got at the moment. I wish I could live on my own, without them. If they want to support with the baby, they can without being too involved in my life, living with either of them or seeing them everyday. Lord, please guide me, open the doors necesarry for this, provide me with the right people in my life. I am desperate and feel like I am suffocating, I feel misunderstood, I feel stuck, and tied up to these choices.... please help me Lord.