Beloved of All
I am asking God that I do not get put out of where I am living and get more time until I find a place in Jesus Name. I am being lied on and lied to by the owner of the apartment. He keeps coming up with all kinds of stories to have a reason to put me out even disrespected me as well. All I am asking is for an opportunity to get a better job and move out of there into a new place of my own without having to live with someone else in Jesus Name. The CNA here keeps trying to come up with issues and reasons for the owner to put me out even when I am not doing anything to her. I don’t have anywhere to go and need to stay here until I can get my own place. I ask that God’s mercy and grace is with me during this time. I also ask and pray that nothing that the CNA tries, his oldest daughter and him try to do works out when bothering me in Jesus Name. I pray that I get an answer tomorrow that states I can remain here without any problems regardless of his benefits he is receiving in Jesus Name. I am hoping and praying that God will grant me the opportunity to stay here until I can get a place of my own and not be out on the street nor live with someone else in Jesus Name. I need God’s urgent help and I pray tomorrow I get good news in Jesus Name Amen.