URGENT urgent grandma need helaign in her hear tnedds helaign in her brain form seuóizures and demtnia andshe is so weak!!!! form cramps trapped waste small bowel obstruciton dyisorder eatign very little cannot get rid of waste evry narrow arteries poor ciculation VEry poor oxgen pelas epelas epray help!!! heart diease narrow arterie.s very low blood pressure. ned shelaign trapped waste due toweak bowels need shelaign mriacle :Lord jeus Chirs thela her form head to toe snad andw iden her arteries for oyur glory. Lor dexhausted. Pela shelp me HELp her help Lord urgently also help my dad who o needs helaign in his lugns and form all illness and disease and viruses and infection.Pelase dleive rhimf orm congestiona nd trapped phalegt.pelas ehal his gout and hear.t pleas ehal my moms heart an dperiodontisis diases and all helath problems pelas ehela my brothers heart pleas eheal his marriage and give him promotion.pelase hela his teaath and histamine intolernac.e pelas eprovide for all famiyl memebrs in everyway lord an dod alliny our power to heal us resotre us and give us what we need Lord. pelase pronlgue our lives and restore my entire fmaily bloodlien health.Pelase protect us form evil. protect lalpeopelfrom evil.hela allt he sick miraucloulsy lord. have merc yon my sins. Pleas elOr dgive all my fmaily dleiverance form the deivl Lord pelas ehelp now and give us your salvaiotn Lrd Jeus chirst. Glor yot oYou Lord please. Lord urgently help my grandma pleas ehal her i beg yu!!!! Thanky oyu God bless oyu forever for praying