URGENT! God belss oyu forever for praiyng thanky oyu from my whoel heart pelas epray in agreement tha Lord heals my grandma BY Hsi stripes now 100% fully.Please Lord Jesus Christ please pelase pelas epelase pelas ehela my grandm Schneider VIlmosné form all of her bed of illness please forgive her sisn and mine and forgive me for liivng in sin. Please Wash me and my whoel fmaily iny our hOly blood and set of free form all stanic opression bondage and power. Your hOly spirit come adn dleivr us please lord dleiver my grandma forma ll satanic bondage all satanic bondage leave my grandmas life forever by the powe rof the HOly spiri ti aks you Heavenly Father do al in your power to prolobgue my grandmas life and do all iny our power so she is healed by the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ here on eart. Lord please dleiver her form all bondage to the spirit of demencia, heart diseases inclusind familial heart disease delive rheer form every evil spirit inclusing the spirit of fear and unbelief in you pelase heal her bowels her whoel body bidn up her wounds heal her boken body Lord Jesus Christ please Doctor Lord Jesus Christ pleas ehal her veins and arteries heal her heart heal her muscles heal her bones ligaments heal everythign in her body despite my unbelif Lord Jesus Christ ibeliveEverythign is possibel wiht you. Please hela my grandma like you healed the lame man and all the people int he bible. I coem to oyu in faith i belive you can heal her if you are willing. I know its tiny faith but Lord give me the faith give her the faihtt hat cause sher to be heale dand hwole by your hOyl stripes. not by works of righeoutsness are we healed but byyour righteousness by your holy stripes. By You stripes we are healed . My grandm ais healed. I belive You. Lord PLEAse from your wounds flow your healighn itno my grandmas life and give her life please Lord Jesus Christ. Your your stripes heal her wiht your hOly bloood dleiver her form all evil spirits and from all manne rof sickness and disease so she can blink normal have excellent blood pressure all her movements restored muscles restored bones and organs healed formed perfectly whole by YOur Hoyl Strioes Lord Jesus Christ. All praise Honour and Glor yan thanks go to YOu. YOu are the Healer. WHo can heal but only the LOrd hwo can save but only the Lord. All Glory all powe ris yours. Have mercy and set her free form all demonic opression and give her the strength her heart needs to have excellent blood pressure. strngthen her. She cna do all things through YOu Lord Jesus Christ who giveth her strength. strngth coem from you . You give the strength the healign . Please giver her faith in you Lord Jesus Christ please strgnthen her her heart and body. dleiver her form all weakness and from all manne rof sickness and disease and dleiver her life formt he hands of the deivl. Save her life Lord Jesus Christ please you are the Life. please give her lif ein her heart an meerry heart free form all unclean spirits free form all defilement. do the same for my mother to my mbrother dad and all people. Please and and for Vilike too. and myself. Please do all int you power to fix her broken ness. fix my Grandés broken ness and my fmailies brokenness. Please touch and make my grandma whole wiht your love for her Lord Jesus Christ please. Please strngthen her and delive rher form all manner of sickness and disease and forgiv eme for my sins.Please Lorx Jesus Christ dleiver Schneider VIlmosné out of the hand sof the devil and bring healign to all her flesh life to all your flesh form your Holy Spirit by Your hOly spirit by You LOrd. all praise to You all glroy and HOnoru please help my grandma in every wa yoyu can. strgnthen her heart and gvie her exceelnt oxygenrich blood into all her flesh. Best oxygen excellent elvels of oxygen into all her flesh all for oyur Glory. I recieve all of the this in faith and more. Please her her abilifte to blok properly have proper painless bowelmovements wihtout onstructions and i recieve this in faiht int he name of the Lord you Jesus Christ.King James Bible Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. I ask for comepelte and total healign of my grandma sentire flesh for your Glro yLord Jesus Christ by your strieops she is healed. I recieve thsi i belive it. I ask you pray in agreemtn wiht yme. I thank you forevr lOrd Jesus Christ.