
Beloved of All
URgengent EMERGENCY prayerr request: PLease pray for my rgandms who is VERY ill in hospital.Please pray God does a miracle and heals her whole body for HIS Glory in the name above all names the Lord JesuChrist name heal my grandma form all illness and malfunction and decay that God renews her strength and restores her youth Lif ethe eagles For HIS Glory by His Power. Please Lord I beg you do all in your power to save my granmas soul and heal her flesh and soul and her every being with YOur Stripes and Holy Blood. Please intervene Holy Spiirt in rpray to my grandma. Please LOrd Jesu Christ, Please restore my grandma body for Your praise and glory. I bag you PLEase LOrd JEsu Christ heal my grandma enetire body mind and soul and please reveal Yourself to my grandma VERY strongly. Please reveal your salvation and also deliver her form all bodnaget o Satan. Please heal her blood, blood pressure, the cause of her lack of blood flow and heal all her weakness miraculoulsy by Your Power Lord JEsu Christ. Please let not the enemy steal , kill or destroy my granmda in anyway in the name of the Lord JesuChrist. Please Lord protect my grandma form all evil and strognly guide her and the entire MEdical sat the hospitala and all peopel VERY strongly with Yor Holy SPirit. Lord let Your Will be done for allpeople. Please use my grandma greatly for your Glory. Please do all in Your power to heal my grandma by the stripes of the Lord JEsu Chirst. Please Miraculoulsy strenthen er body and permantley heal her of all dieased and age related decay and heal and strengthen her heart giver her a merry heart. Lord do all iny our power t give her Oxy gen. heal her form all brainand skull injury with your holy blood. LEt no evil come upon her int h neam of the Lord Jesu Christ. Please do all iny or power to keep my granma safe form all harm adn provide her the best medical care for her and do not allow anyone to do a mistake to her aever. please give all the physicians and nurses and caregivers widsdom for you Lord and please force all peopel to do Your Will Lord. Please heal my grandma for oyur glory. PLEASE I BEg you Lord JEsu Christ. I beg you at your feet brign healign to her. Please you know How toheal her Great Physician. Please heal her by Your stripes. save her and help her PLease all prais eand glory and HOnour go to You ord JEsu Christ. Please do all in your power to protect my grandma form a ll evil and permantley restore her body and dleier her form all oxygen loss.. please give her Oxy gen at all time sand proper blood pressure and blood flow and please make sure she does not have any nerve damage or heart damage. Lord heal eevrythign in he rbody mind and pchschye. Heal all of Grandé with YOur Love Lord Jesu Christ. please have compassion. Please Heal my grandma nd restore her to health mirculously Please Lord Jesu Christ please do this for YOur glory Please heal my grandma lack of blood flow and lack of oxygen permantley.please miraculoulsy heal all circulatory malfunction or not optimal function. Please dont let anyone false accuse me. Please protect my grandma at the hospital form all evil and evil doers. Please do all in your power to save my gradnma and heal her Lord Heavenly Fathe rplease in the name of the Lord JesuChrsit. Savior ! HElp Lord JEsu Christ please tdo allin your power fr your Will to be done n my grandma life. Please if you are willing dleivere my grandma form aall diesases and the root causes of them permantley by the stripe sof the Lord Jesus Christ for YOur Praise LOrd and Your Glory only. Please brign Holy angels to guiart protect, minister to my grandma the way you want.Please do al in your power so that my grandma is getting a constant flow of fresh oxygenated blood to her brain. Please forgive my sins against her Lord. do all you can to protect save and deliver her form all evil. Please save eher Lord Jesu Chirst please heal her. Please help my unbelif in you and help the unbelief of her and my whoel fmil.y Do all iny our power Lord Jesu Christ to force the medical staff to do your WIl concernign my grandma and plea se give my grandma the necessary medical treatment that whil aid in her healign please Jess save my grandma and make Her whole with the Stripe sof the Lord Jes Christ. Let nothing hinder our faith that you will hela my grandma in the name of the Lord Jesu Christ name I pray. PLEase do all in your power to heal all the sick at the hospitala nd brign salvation to all their. Espeically my grandma right now. pelase keep her warm and provide for her every need at all times. Please surorund her with Holy angels to protect, heal comfort her and pleas ehave mercy Lord Jesus Christ,Miraculoulsy lheal my grandmas life by Your stripes. Please fill her with oyur Spirt and your love and give a a strong merry heart. give her peace that surpasses all understanding and so all in your power to give her the propoer medical treatment att he hospital. Lord Heavenly Fathe rmay your WIll be done concernign my grandma. Plesase have mercy on me and my fmaily.PLease do all that oyu can Heavenly Father to pleae prolongue her life here on earth healed and made whole of all neruological and circulatory malfunction and all dieases make her hwole inevery way Lord Jesu Christ Please Please I beg you. Have mercy touch my grandma and may the power of Your Holy SPirt heal Her Lord JEsu Christ. Please dont let my grandma die Lord have mercy and heal her and deliver her from all bed of sickness pleae heal her Great Physician I beg you . Dleiver her from all evil and strenghtne her artteries veins heart adn giver her proper blood flow please to all areas of her body. Plesse restroe my grandmas brian cells and give her your livign water flowing through HEr. Please provide her with excellent hydration and nutrition and please heal her form small bower syndrome. Please heal her and deliver herbowels obels form all obstructions. Please hal her brian concussion and skulldmage do sll in your power to heal my grandma Lord Jesu Christ I beg you have mercy. Iworship You only I give all thanky and praise to YOu . Please Please heal my grandma please givemy grandma Very strogn faith in you Lord Jesu Christ! HAve mercy LOrd Jesu Christ and heal my grandma damaged blood vessels please bign up al wounds .Pelase make her hwole body, mind, emotiony Will pYsche mentally physically and mentaly in every and spirittualy and in everyway please elt her function according to the Stripes of the Lord Jesu Christ. The the stripe sof the Lord Jesu Christ my grandma is healed. Pleased pour this exact healing into my Grandma. Please Lord Jeus Christ breathlfi eot all her flesh Please Lord Jesu Christ permantley deliver her form all demons and deominc strongholds. Deliver her body form have a lck of oyxygen. Please give her constantly and permantley a constant flow of oxygen to all her body parts and brain and heart. Please deliver her circulatory ssytemf orm all obstruction and plaque and please heal her of all heart diease int he name of above al neame the Lord Jesu Christ Please guide all people who are winteractign with her VERY strongly with YOur Holy Spirit adn force them to obey Yor commands concernign my grandma. Please give me grandma the best proper treatment medial treatment and care at the hospital. Guide sall the emdical staff workign with HEr VERY strognly with yOur HOly SPirit. Please dotn allow her tobe hearme idn any way. Please heal her ocncusiion heal her form all trauma and bring healignto her skull. Please do all in your Power to deliver her fromt he enemy Lord Jesu Christ. I beg YOu Lord JEsu christ PLEASE heal grandé by your stripes. Please Delive rher form all diease. for the prais eand Glor yof your name. pelase do all inyour pwer to help my grnamd and heal her blood pressure PLEase jesus dont allow th medical staff to give her improper medication or say or diagnose falseley or false accuse me and my mom in any manner. Defend us. Pelase dleive rmy grandma form all obstructions in her bowels sho that her digestion is permantley healed by the stripes of the Lord Jesu Christ. Please heal her vertebrae adn please od all in your power to save and hela my grandma. DO no let any false diagnoses be diagoned to my grandma. DO all in Your power ot give my grandma the best medical care at all times at the hspital ONLY LET Your WIll be done. please give all the emdical staff nurses and caregivers wisdom concerning the needs and diagnoses of my grandma.: Pleas eheal all brian cuncussion an dmalfunction. Pease God restore my grandmas brian in everyway and giver her a constant supply of oxygen filled blood. deliver her blood of all impurities and maker her entire being clean and whole by th eblood of the Lord Jesu Christ. Please do all inyour power for all this to hapen Lord JesuChrist. Pleae guide eevryone at the Hospital VERY Storngly with the holy spirit. Let no mistake or mistreatment of any kind be on my grandma. Please od all in your power to save ym grandma with Your slavation. Help her unbelif in you and all of ours.Lord Let the Kingdom of Heaevn come upon my grandma and heal her of all her bed sickness. Lor docmfort her giver peace that surpasses all understandign and delive rher form all cramps. Give her excellent balanced eyectroylites, please delive rher form dehydration adn also form diahrrea. please deliver her form all gases and bloating adn Please make it so that her body is permantley healed form all damage and all diease please bind up Her Woulnds Lord Jesu Christ prmamtley bind up her wounds nothign isimpossible to YOu Lord. I beg you Lord iwht the blood of the Lord JesuChrist comign to your throne, I begy ou pleas ehela my grandma blood pressure, eyes, brain, skll, electrolite levely, small bowel syndrom, bind up all her wounds and giver her faith in Your Lord Jesu christ. Help her to strongly seek after oyur Lord with all her heart. Please reeval yourself to her stronger tan ever before and all people too. Please heal Her Lord in every way Permantleyf or your Glor yby YOur poer and deliver her formt he root causes of all her sickness. Heal her soul with youR hOly Blood in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray God does a permantlent miracl ein my grandms life and dtrengthen restores her youth no and heals her arteries vein and blood flow. Lord please make sure she can breath esadsily and propoery and align her bod yif her bod yin not aligned properly in any way. Please caus emy grandma to beeliv ein You trustign You fuly Lord. Lord I beg you have marcy and prolongue my grandmas lif e on earth.PLEase have mercy and hepmy unbelif. Please healmy grandmas life. Give her Life Lord give her oyur slavation and love and do all in your Power Lord to permantley destroy all the workds of the devil in her life in every way in the name of the Lord Jesu Christ. Please delive rmy grandma form darknes sand into YOur Life OLOrd. Please miraculoulsy provide for lal her nutritional names and please force thos eint he hospital to do YOur Willc oncenrign her and all people . Storngly guide the physicians and nurse sand caregivers with Your Holy Spirit and Please Strongly reveal your presence and love ot my Grandma Please Lord. By YOur stripes her Grandé. Pleas ehelp all unbelif that you will heal her. Hve mercy and heal my grandmas brain, blood, blood flow, nerve, cramps electrolite imbalance, dehyration, diarrea, and small bow disorder and all her flesh.. Lord please heal the root causes of all her sickness and miracuoloulsy intervene in her lif eot save and heal her for your praise and Glory Thank You Lord. Please ocmofrt her iwht oyur Holy SPirit and give her a strong and erry heart. Please let all th e poeple their be kind and compassionate. forrce all the hospital staf f to ONly do the Will of God in he rlife. Please Lord Jesu Christ interve mightily on behalf of my grandma and save her heal her adn deliver her form the deivl in every way. Please do all in Your power ord Jesu Christ to give her the proper medicl attention and care and treatment,and all that she needs fo rhealing please make sure she gets it and on time as well wiht no delays. Please heal her form head to toe mirauclously strengthen all her cells giver her new cells wehre needs be noew oragns creat in her and please give her a merry heart because Of YOu Lord. Please do not delay any treatment she needs asap. Please make sure her postur eis lways comfortable and she can breath easily and move easily. Please heal her brain comeoltely and strengthen her brian cells. Hela her momery heal all neurlogical malfunction and deliver her form every evil root in her in the name of JeusChirst i Pray deliver my grandagrandma form all evil and deliver her form all her bed of sick ness Please Lord Jesu Christ. Please give rher favour In YOur sight Lord and heal her body. make her body strogn quickly. PLEas ei Beg you please help. Strengthen and heal her in eevry way and deliver her form all infection, dehydration, lackof oxygenated proper blood flow. too high blood sugar. Please do all in yor power to give he rexcelent oxygen to all her brain and all her body contantly spermantley. Please keep her blood sugar and blood pressure stable. Strnethen her heart and heal her of all heart diease for oyur praise and Glor yof your name. HEla he of all neurologic nerurolgicla decline and ciruclatory system decline and whit YOur stripes heal her for your glory. In every way. Please Jesu Christ i lay my grandma at your feet have mercy nd compassion greatPhysician a hela what needs to be hele din her and restored what needs to be restored in her and please give her life to all her cells. Please Lord Jesu Chirst please odnt let my grandma die but may she live an dbe healed for your Glory and declare the works of the Lord. Please reveal yourelf to my grondma and YOur Will to her. Please Save ehr Lord jeus Christin every way, save her health and restore what the devil took form her. Pleas emiraculoulsy provide healng ot her in every way and may your Purposes for her life be done at the hositpal. Please hal Her by Your stripes miraculoulsy Lord Jeus Christ. LORD pleaePlease Please help he rin eevry way that you can. save and heal all peopel at the hospital too Lord. LOrd have emrcy and heal my grandmas body with Your stripes. Be tottally heal my grandma with Your stripes Lord permantle yin every way. Please dont let the devil take her life or her healing or belif in you in any wa.yinth ename of th elOrd jeus ChristPlease bind up all my grandmas wounds and heal all her brain . Please pray my grandma Schneider Vilmosné, Portscher Judit be delivered of all devils and has permanent healing to her circulatory system so that all her body easily gets oxygen permanatley.
Praying with and for you in Jesus.

We can do everything Jesus did and more! We can speak; sickness leave in Jesus! Be healed by Jesus stripes! I am healed by Jesus stripes! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus!

You can copy and paste this to pray every day and share...

There is nothing that happens for us that is bad. All things work for our good in Jesus! Look at everything as good!

Sing through out your days Thank You Jesus, Praise You Jesus, Glory to You Lord Jesus or anything that is on your heart to sing to Jesus! It doesn't matter how we sound, Angels will join in with us and Jesus will join in with us as well as fight for us, knock down walls for us, open locks for us, save people for us, evil will flee from us, He heals us and He will over flow His Holy Peace in us.

Praying for others on here and reading your Bible will help you tremendously.

I wanted to commit suicide once, I even came up with a plan. Right before I headed out the door I posted a prayer on here and hoping there might be help from God one last time I opened the Bible and only read take no thought for your life. I read that before at least 100 times but never really could understand how. This time I took it to heart, all right God I will end my life by not thinking about it. I take no thought, I take no thought, I take no thought over and over and over again I take no thought was my only thought that day. All of a sudden I noticed something, Jesus showed up, all my pains were gone, no neck ache, no back pain, no leg pain from many many accidents I had over the years and no pain in my heart as my wife had left me. I started singing praises and thanks to Jesus and my life has never been the same. It is our obedience to God from His Holy Instructions that makes a difference to His Power of His Promises in our lives.

Be a doer of Jesus friend, it really makes a difference! Thank You Lord Jesus!

Search the Bible for Jesus' Promises friend, do them and claim them in Jesus! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus!

Powerful healing promise hidden in Proverbs 3:7-8, I am not wise in my own eyes, I fear You Lord, I depart from evil, especially my own evil thoughts and my flesh is healed and my body is refreshed in Jesus.

Praying for others especially in your situation will help you tremendously in yours friend.

Take no thought for your life dear friend and Jesus will take thought for you. Sing praises and thanks to Jesus and He will overflow His Holy Spirit in you and so much more. He will fight for you and give you the desires of your heart.

Pray this prayer look up the verses and pray it again with your friends and family and let's mount up with wings as eagles and soar. Soar with me.

Let Us Pray: God I ask in Jesus' name, bless me to grow closer to You. I long for a more intimate relationship with You. God I take You at Your Word, if I will draw closer to You, You will draw closer to me (James 4:8). Show me how to draw closer to You. Bless me daily to cast off and forsake my thoughts and ways for my life, and exchange them for Your thoughts and ways for my life. Let me think Your thoughts and dream Your dreams for my life. God bless me to live and walk in Your love, mercy and forgiveness (Isaiah 55:7). I confess, I will take no thought for my life. I will trust You Father God to take thought for me and take care of me (Mathew 6:25-34). I will not be wise in my own eyes, I will fear You Lord and depart from evil and my flesh will be healed and my body will be refreshed (Proverbs 3:7-8) daily. Thank You Jesus for Your Promises! Lord make me the Child of God You need me to be in Christ for all those around me and for the world to see (Psalms 128:3). Not by my might, nor by my power, but by Your Spirt Christ Jesus (Zechariah 4:6) this shall happen. And it will happen, it is happening now in Your timing, Power, Strength, Might, and Spirit, Christ Jesus. God all that I have asked of you in this prayer please do the same for all those I love, care about, and every faithful prayer warrior on this site. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Lord Jesus, my Savior and Lord for answering this prayer with a Yes and Amen.

Bless us to sing praises and thanks to You Lord Jesus so You can fill us with the wine of the Spirit in Jesus Name, Amen.
URgengent EMERGENCY prayerr request: PLease pray for my rgandms who is VERY ill in hospital.Please pray God does a miracle and heals her whole body for HIS Glory in the name above all names the Lord JesuChrist name heal my grandma form all illness and malfunction and decay that God renews her strength and restores her youth Lif ethe eagles For HIS Glory by His Power. Please Lord I beg you do all in your power to save my granmas soul and heal her flesh and soul and her every being with YOur Stripes and Holy Blood. Please intervene Holy Spiirt in rpray to my grandma. Please LOrd Jesu Christ, Please restore my grandma body for Your praise and glory. I bag you PLEase LOrd JEsu Christ heal my grandma enetire body mind and soul and please reveal Yourself to my grandma VERY strongly. Please reveal your salvation and also deliver her form all bodnaget o Satan. Please heal her blood, blood pressure, the cause of her lack of blood flow and heal all her weakness miraculoulsy by Your Power Lord JEsu Christ. Please let not the enemy steal , kill or destroy my granmda in anyway in the name of the Lord JesuChrist. Please Lord protect my grandma form all evil and strognly guide her and the entire MEdical sat the hospitala and all peopel VERY strongly with Yor Holy SPirit. Lord let Your Will be done for allpeople. Please use my grandma greatly for your Glory. Please do all in Your power to heal my grandma by the stripes of the Lord JEsu Chirst. Please Miraculoulsy strenthen er body and permantley heal her of all dieased and age related decay and heal and strengthen her heart giver her a merry heart. Lord do all iny our power t give her Oxy gen. heal her form all brainand skull injury with your holy blood. LEt no evil come upon her int h neam of the Lord Jesu Christ. Please do all iny or power to keep my granma safe form all harm adn provide her the best medical care for her and do not allow anyone to do a mistake to her aever. please give all the physicians and nurses and caregivers widsdom for you Lord and please force all peopel to do Your Will Lord. Please heal my grandma for oyur glory. PLEASE I BEg you Lord JEsu Christ. I beg you at your feet brign healign to her. Please you know How toheal her Great Physician. Please heal her by Your stripes. save her and help her PLease all prais eand glory and HOnour go to You ord JEsu Christ. Please do all in your power to protect my grandma form a ll evil and permantley restore her body and dleier her form all oxygen loss.. please give her Oxy gen at all time sand proper blood pressure and blood flow and please make sure she does not have any nerve damage or heart damage. Lord heal eevrythign in he rbody mind and pchschye. Heal all of Grandé with YOur Love Lord Jesu Christ. please have compassion. Please Heal my grandma nd restore her to health mirculously Please Lord Jesu Christ please do this for YOur glory Please heal my grandma lack of blood flow and lack of oxygen permantley.please miraculoulsy heal all circulatory malfunction or not optimal function. Please dont let anyone false accuse me. Please protect my grandma at the hospital form all evil and evil doers. Please do all in your power to save my gradnma and heal her Lord Heavenly Fathe rplease in the name of the Lord JesuChrsit. Savior ! HElp Lord JEsu Christ please tdo allin your power fr your Will to be done n my grandma life. Please if you are willing dleivere my grandma form aall diesases and the root causes of them permantley by the stripe sof the Lord Jesus Christ for YOur Praise LOrd and Your Glory only. Please brign Holy angels to guiart protect, minister to my grandma the way you want.Please do al in your power so that my grandma is getting a constant flow of fresh oxygenated blood to her brain. Please forgive my sins against her Lord. do all you can to protect save and deliver her form all evil. Please save eher Lord Jesu Chirst please heal her. Please help my unbelif in you and help the unbelief of her and my whoel fmil.y Do all iny our power Lord Jesu Christ to force the medical staff to do your WIl concernign my grandma and plea se give my grandma the necessary medical treatment that whil aid in her healign please Jess save my grandma and make Her whole with the Stripe sof the Lord Jes Christ. Let nothing hinder our faith that you will hela my grandma in the name of the Lord Jesu Christ name I pray. PLEase do all in your power to heal all the sick at the hospitala nd brign salvation to all their. Espeically my grandma right now. pelase keep her warm and provide for her every need at all times. Please surorund her with Holy angels to protect, heal comfort her and pleas ehave mercy Lord Jesus Christ,Miraculoulsy lheal my grandmas life by Your stripes. Please fill her with oyur Spirt and your love and give a a strong merry heart. give her peace that surpasses all understanding and so all in your power to give her the propoer medical treatment att he hospital. Lord Heavenly Fathe rmay your WIll be done concernign my grandma. Plesase have mercy on me and my fmaily.PLease do all that oyu can Heavenly Father to pleae prolongue her life here on earth healed and made whole of all neruological and circulatory malfunction and all dieases make her hwole inevery way Lord Jesu Christ Please Please I beg you. Have mercy touch my grandma and may the power of Your Holy SPirt heal Her Lord JEsu Christ. Please dont let my grandma die Lord have mercy and heal her and deliver her from all bed of sickness pleae heal her Great Physician I beg you . Dleiver her from all evil and strenghtne her artteries veins heart adn giver her proper blood flow please to all areas of her body. Plesse restroe my grandmas brian cells and give her your livign water flowing through HEr. Please provide her with excellent hydration and nutrition and please heal her form small bower syndrome. Please heal her and deliver herbowels obels form all obstructions. Please hal her brian concussion and skulldmage do sll in your power to heal my grandma Lord Jesu Christ I beg you have mercy. Iworship You only I give all thanky and praise to YOu . Please Please heal my grandma please givemy grandma Very strogn faith in you Lord Jesu Christ! HAve mercy LOrd Jesu Christ and heal my grandma damaged blood vessels please bign up al wounds .Pelase make her hwole body, mind, emotiony Will pYsche mentally physically and mentaly in every and spirittualy and in everyway please elt her function according to the Stripes of the Lord Jesu Christ. The the stripe sof the Lord Jesu Christ my grandma is healed. Pleased pour this exact healing into my Grandma. Please Lord Jeus Christ breathlfi eot all her flesh Please Lord Jesu Christ permantley deliver her form all demons and deominc strongholds. Deliver her body form have a lck of oyxygen. Please give her constantly and permantley a constant flow of oxygen to all her body parts and brain and heart. Please deliver her circulatory ssytemf orm all obstruction and plaque and please heal her of all heart diease int he name of above al neame the Lord Jesu Christ Please guide all people who are winteractign with her VERY strongly with YOur Holy Spirit adn force them to obey Yor commands concernign my grandma. Please give me grandma the best proper treatment medial treatment and care at the hospital. Guide sall the emdical staff workign with HEr VERY strognly with yOur HOly SPirit. Please dotn allow her tobe hearme idn any way. Please heal her ocncusiion heal her form all trauma and bring healignto her skull. Please do all in your Power to deliver her fromt he enemy Lord Jesu Christ. I beg YOu Lord JEsu christ PLEASE heal grandé by your stripes. Please Delive rher form all diease. for the prais eand Glor yof your name. pelase do all inyour pwer to help my grnamd and heal her blood pressure PLEase jesus dont allow th medical staff to give her improper medication or say or diagnose falseley or false accuse me and my mom in any manner. Defend us. Pelase dleive rmy grandma form all obstructions in her bowels sho that her digestion is permantley healed by the stripes of the Lord Jesu Christ. Please heal her vertebrae adn please od all in your power to save and hela my grandma. DO no let any false diagnoses be diagoned to my grandma. DO all in Your power ot give my grandma the best medical care at all times at the hspital ONLY LET Your WIll be done. please give all the emdical staff nurses and caregivers wisdom concerning the needs and diagnoses of my grandma.: Pleas eheal all brian cuncussion an dmalfunction. Pease God restore my grandmas brian in everyway and giver her a constant supply of oxygen filled blood. deliver her blood of all impurities and maker her entire being clean and whole by th eblood of the Lord Jesu Christ. Please do all inyour power for all this to hapen Lord JesuChrist. Pleae guide eevryone at the Hospital VERY Storngly with the holy spirit. Let no mistake or mistreatment of any kind be on my grandma. Please od all in your power to save ym grandma with Your slavation. Help her unbelif in you and all of ours.Lord Let the Kingdom of Heaevn come upon my grandma and heal her of all her bed sickness. Lor docmfort her giver peace that surpasses all understandign and delive rher form all cramps. Give her excellent balanced eyectroylites, please delive rher form dehydration adn also form diahrrea. please deliver her form all gases and bloating adn Please make it so that her body is permantley healed form all damage and all diease please bind up Her Woulnds Lord Jesu Christ prmamtley bind up her wounds nothign isimpossible to YOu Lord. I beg you Lord iwht the blood of the Lord JesuChrist comign to your throne, I begy ou pleas ehela my grandma blood pressure, eyes, brain, skll, electrolite levely, small bowel syndrom, bind up all her wounds and giver her faith in Your Lord Jesu christ. Help her to strongly seek after oyur Lord with all her heart. Please reeval yourself to her stronger tan ever before and all people too. Please heal Her Lord in every way Permantleyf or your Glor yby YOur poer and deliver her formt he root causes of all her sickness. Heal her soul with youR hOly Blood in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray God does a permantlent miracl ein my grandms life and dtrengthen restores her youth no and heals her arteries vein and blood flow. Lord please make sure she can breath esadsily and propoery and align her bod yif her bod yin not aligned properly in any way. Please caus emy grandma to beeliv ein You trustign You fuly Lord. Lord I beg you have marcy and prolongue my grandmas lif e on earth.PLEase have mercy and hepmy unbelif. Please healmy grandmas life. Give her Life Lord give her oyur slavation and love and do all in your Power Lord to permantley destroy all the workds of the devil in her life in every way in the name of the Lord Jesu Christ. Please delive rmy grandma form darknes sand into YOur Life OLOrd. Please miraculoulsy provide for lal her nutritional names and please force thos eint he hospital to do YOur Willc oncenrign her and all people . Storngly guide the physicians and nurse sand caregivers with Your Holy Spirit and Please Strongly reveal your presence and love ot my Grandma Please Lord. By YOur stripes her Grandé. Pleas ehelp all unbelif that you will heal her. Hve mercy and heal my grandmas brain, blood, blood flow, nerve, cramps electrolite imbalance, dehyration, diarrea, and small bow disorder and all her flesh.. Lord please heal the root causes of all her sickness and miracuoloulsy intervene in her lif eot save and heal her for your praise and Glory Thank You Lord. Please ocmofrt her iwht oyur Holy SPirit and give her a strong and erry heart. Please let all th e poeple their be kind and compassionate. forrce all the hospital staf f to ONly do the Will of God in he rlife. Please Lord Jesu Christ interve mightily on behalf of my grandma and save her heal her adn deliver her form the deivl in every way. Please do all in Your power ord Jesu Christ to give her the proper medicl attention and care and treatment,and all that she needs fo rhealing please make sure she gets it and on time as well wiht no delays. Please heal her form head to toe mirauclously strengthen all her cells giver her new cells wehre needs be noew oragns creat in her and please give her a merry heart because Of YOu Lord. Please do not delay any treatment she needs asap. Please make sure her postur eis lways comfortable and she can breath easily and move easily. Please heal her brain comeoltely and strengthen her brian cells. Hela her momery heal all neurlogical malfunction and deliver her form every evil root in her in the name of JeusChirst i Pray deliver my grandagrandma form all evil and deliver her form all her bed of sick ness Please Lord Jesu Christ. Please give rher favour In YOur sight Lord and heal her body. make her body strogn quickly. PLEas ei Beg you please help. Strengthen and heal her in eevry way and deliver her form all infection, dehydration, lackof oxygenated proper blood flow. too high blood sugar. Please do all in yor power to give he rexcelent oxygen to all her brain and all her body contantly spermantley. Please keep her blood sugar and blood pressure stable. Strnethen her heart and heal her of all heart diease for oyur praise and Glor yof your name. HEla he of all neurologic nerurolgicla decline and ciruclatory system decline and whit YOur stripes heal her for your glory. In every way. Please Jesu Christ i lay my grandma at your feet have mercy nd compassion greatPhysician a hela what needs to be hele din her and restored what needs to be restored in her and please give her life to all her cells. Please Lord Jesu Chirst please odnt let my grandma die but may she live an dbe healed for your Glory and declare the works of the Lord. Please reveal yourelf to my grondma and YOur Will to her. Please Save ehr Lord jeus Christin every way, save her health and restore what the devil took form her. Pleas emiraculoulsy provide healng ot her in every way and may your Purposes for her life be done at the hositpal. Please hal Her by Your stripes miraculoulsy Lord Jeus Christ. LORD pleaePlease Please help he rin eevry way that you can. save and heal all peopel at the hospital too Lord. LOrd have emrcy and heal my grandmas body with Your stripes. Be tottally heal my grandma with Your stripes Lord permantle yin every way. Please dont let the devil take her life or her healing or belif in you in any wa.yinth ename of th elOrd jeus ChristPlease bind up all my grandmas wounds and heal all her brain . Please pray my grandma Schneider Vilmosné, Portscher Judit be delivered of all devils and has permanent healing to her circulatory system so that all her body easily gets oxygen permanatley.
I have prayed for your grandma. May God hold her in His arms and heal her. May Jesus give her strength to fight her illness. I pray for you to have comfort and peace. If you believe the word of God, and walk and talk with Him daily, there is no need to beg and plead. His will, will be done. God bless you and your grandma. In Jesus Name amen
I have prayed in Jesus' name that God will hear and grant your prayer request according to God's perfect love, wisdom, will, timing, grace, and mercy. Amen. Thank You Jesus.

A Prayer For You: God Thank You for loving me. Thank You for loving me Jesus. I Am Loved. God I ask You in Jesus' name bless me with the desires of my heart that is the will of God for my life. Bless me with the desire, strength, and wisdom to seek first the kingdom of God and Your righteousness so that everything that I stand in need of and everything that You want me to have will be provided. Bless me to prosper, walk in excellent health, and never stop growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus. God bless me to know You and make You known. God help me, show me how, and bless me to have a stronger more intimate relationship with You and fulfill my God-Purpose. God heal me totally in all areas of my life. Make me whole in You. Help me to always keep my focus on You, trust You with all my heart, acknowledge You first in all my ways, and allow You to direct the footsteps I take and the words that I speak. Bless me to walk in the faith, love, truth, trust, peace, security, wisdom, and joy of Your Word and presence. God bless me with a God solution-focused heart, mind, attitude, and spirit, and let me always think, act, and react with a God solution-focused heart, mind, attitude, and spirit.

God place Your angels all around me to cover and protect me from all sickness, evil, hurt, harm, danger, accidents, the plans of my enemies, and the plans of the enemy of my soul. God deal with my enemies according to Your Word. And God please protect me from getting all Covid variants. Show me what to do, what not to do, where to go, where not to go, and what to take to stay safe and protected from all Covid variants. God all that I have asked of You in this prayer, please do the same for the writer of this prayer, all those who love and care about me, and all those I love, and care about. God forever honor this prayer over each of our lives. Amen, so be it by faith, and by faith, it is so. Thank You Jesus.
Prayer was written by Encourager Linda Flagg, M.A., Board Certified Professional Christian Life Coach

Please Read: Remember Who God Is And How Much God Loves You.
May God honor your prayer request for healing in Jesus' name. For all those who stand in need of healing please pray the prayer below.

Let Us Pray For Healing: God I ask You in Jesus’ name, because of Your unfailing love and great compassion have mercy on me and heal me. God heal me fully in every area of my life. God make me whole and complete in You. God deliver and set me free of any sicknesses, addictions, disorders, sin, or unclean spirits that may be, or are trying to operate in my life. Wash and purify me thoroughly Lord Jesus. Heal me and restore to me the joy of Your salvation. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. God all that I have asked of You in this prayer, please do the same for the writer of the prayer and all those I know that stand in need of healing. God please fully heal and restore each of us physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially for Your glory. Amen, so be it by faith, and by faith, it is so in Jesus’ name. Thank You Jesus.


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