Prayer Warrior
Urgen please please Pray to our Heavenly Father int he name of our Lord and Savior Lord Jesus Christ and thank you with all myheartfor doing so. please pray that God doeas allin HIs power to save and fully heal my grandma Schncieder Vilmosné of all helath problems. she is suffeirn severely day and night. please I Beg you to pray for her healing. I dotn want to lose her please! pleas epray God heals her blood pressure problems due to cross syndrom eand small bowel obstruction syndrome . she can only esat very little like a few spoonfulls because she gets high blood presure.. sweeling prolems fluid build up she cannot get waste out properly.. PLease God Help that the Lord , heals her by His stripes of all disease of all infirmity forgives all her isns and heals her for His Glory by HIs power. LOrd please also heal her arteries veins heartoxygen deprivation hypoxia heals her neurlogical degnerative disease bones and bones deformites Please Lord i beg you please give her mack her motion . give all her cells oxygen help her God please. please Lord healp her to use her muscles please and heal her deformed muscles atrotph y pelase do al iny our power to help her poop burp pass gass and that her ability to do this is miraculously restored. LOrd She needsa miraclep lease. please pray that possible tumour leaves her that the Lord Jesus Christsit away with His power . PLease Lord hela her brian function and delivers her from dementia , form dehydration malnurtition. defomred spines and slipped disk deformed fingery and toes and heart problems kidney problems dehydration small bowel obstruction syndrom and aldo psriosis fungus on her skin and nails and all canial diabetes insipidus and also that she is made whole by the Lord Jesus Christ in every way. Please pray for my moms salvation helaing of all illness and disease int he name of the Lord Jesus Christ by His hOly Blood. that my dads gout be healed and lungs and for his salvation in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please Lord give my brother your salvation healing adn guide him wiht His Holy spirit. Please guide all my fmaily wiht Your Holy spirit. Please heal us all . my whole fmaily blood llife. Lord do all iny our power to keep strife out of our lives and deliver us all from all sickness disease and eevry manne rof evil. I pray this for all people. Please save us all Lor heal us all. dleiver us form all demonic opression. Bless the Lord oh my soul. Lord All Glory HOnour and prais eis Yours. Please heal my grandma and miraculously touch her bod ynow and dleiver her form eevry evil presence every manne rof sicknes and disease by Your Holy POwer Lord Jesus Christ. PLease give her strntght. Please Prolongue her life and strngthen her. Please i beg you Heal her have mer yon my sins. im sorry for huritng my mom. Have mercy. Please : LORd i beg oyu have mercy. alos please ehal all people wiht have tumours who have diabetes who have cancer and dleiver all people form all flech eating bacteria including my granmda mom me brother me. Please heal and protect Vilike form all evil. Help him and use Him greatly toglorify you Lord. Please heal my fmaily for Your glory. restore us redeem us. forgive us. Please heal all people of all sickness and disease. Please LOrd help us do your Will and give us strong desire to do so. above all else. Have mercy and help me pay Bills and give docemenets protect me and my family form all evil.Please Lord have mercy and dleive rus form allevil. Lord Jesus Christ otuch my grandm aand rearrange her body so she can get rid of waste properly for oyur Glory and by Your Power. Lord Jesus Christ reveal yourself to my mom and grandma now.PLease and people. Please heal her heal my mom. guide us all my whole afmaily and all peoplew ith Wisdom form you and clear instruction form you. Lord dleiver me form weainess. form thrist form kidney problems. Lord Please help my fmaily ine very way you can. Please if willing give us warm water and heating . Lord Do all inyour power to give us what we need. Do all in Your power to deliver my fmaily form the devils hands in every area ofour lives All By YOur power Lord Jesus Chrsit All For Your Glor all fro YOur praise. LOrd Jesus Christ have mercy. help us see yoiu. Please dotn allow the devil to destroy anyones life. Please heal Grandé and deliver her form all satanic bondage please giveback to her and all my fmaily what the devil stole form us. Please Lord PLease Dleiver us form sadness.. from so muh pain help Lord We need you. helpus I beg you. Please help all on this site. aheal all those who are sick on this site and their fmailies int he name of the Lord Jesus Christ. as with me and my whole family blood line.