Update: Thank-you for all of your support. Unfortunately things are getting worse as I’m now facing a “letter of reprimand”. I’m floored as I’ve never experienced personal attacks to the degree of someone making passive aggressive threats toward my professional license. What is worse is that this letter will only list that I’m “insubordinate” towards my school’s principal. I’m very discouraged as I’m not being cited for illegal activity or unethical behavior toward the children so I don’t know what to do. I was also made aware by a coworker that they didn’t like that I was questioning how certain situations were handled and was advised to quit so “they don’t make my life miserable.” I don’t understand how someone can be so wicked to a person who was only advocating for others and handing out resources. I’m facing an uphill battle so I ask for as much prayer and good thoughts as I’m dependent on this job and I just signed a contract for next year that if I voluntarily break I will have to pay a fine. I ask for mercy and justice as I’m being put in a position where not only would I lose my job but I would have to pay the person who is forcing me out. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I have to meet with them again on Monday.