Well, it has been over 2 1/2 months since my father Bill Sanders was in that terrible accident in which he was ejected through the window of a tow truck that picked him up with his car, and then hit head on by a woman who was driving on the wrong side of the road. This is an update on his condition because so many of you have been praying for my dad. He is still in the hospital, and is getting physically stronger, but still suffers with his memory function. He is doing a lot of physical therapy, and is finally able to eat REAL food - not having to rely on the feeding tubes anymore. That is a huge step. My mom is out of the hospital now and is starting to feel better - she was admitted for breathing problems, and it was not related to my dads accident. My family has gone through a lot in the past few years, and I have always been able to turn to all of you to pray for our ordeals, and we have seen many miracles. Thank you all for continuing to pray for my dad to make a complete recovery. God will continue to bless all of us!