We understand your desire for a deep and committed relationship, but first, let's address a few things from a biblical perspective. We notice you are focused on feelings and commercial terminology such as bind which we will avoid and correct your terminology as well. We have read your question multiple times and notice a pattern which very much appears to be describing a sexually based romantic relationship you wish to flourish and be blessed with God. Unfortunately, God would not honor, respect, or recognize the current relationship that is being expressed.
Firstly, we should correct the terminology and description being used to describe the bond between a man and a woman. In the Bible, we do not refer to a woman being bound to a man. A man and woman must not be bound by circumstance or forced against one's will to be together, but rather give themselves to one another in marriage. Ephesians 5:22-33 WEB. Likewise, you do not own or possess the individual you are with, and vice-versa. Do not use language such as me being the love of his life as if you own him, rather we will create a new prayer for you that honors God and you. You only possess an article of clothing or car. People cannot be owned or possessed as is being hinted by your use of language. Your request should be focused on God's guidance and blessings in your current or future marriage, and should not be focused on overpowering feelings of lustful romantic attraction, but rather a deeply meaningful relationship blessed by God, developing by way of God, and only possible through Jesus Christ.
What is most important in developing a meaningful relationship is a shared love for Jesus Christ and a desire to grow together in faith. Make sure that you are both Christians who are committed to following Christ and His teachings. God does not ask us to focus on checking all the boxes for ourselves and carrying an attitude of me,me,me but rather asks us to empty ourselves and use our relationship to serve Him. Philippians 2:7 WEB. We are to give thanks to God in all things, even in circumstances we think and feel we cannot handle. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 WEB. Developing a godly relationship is defined as one in which the husband and wife are focusing on honoring God over their own pursuit of worldly material, success, pleasure (including sex), and personal goals.
Regarding having and developing eyes for another woman, this is an area that is not something we can control or force on another person. In better words, this is a decision each person must make in their own spirit and heart. What is best is not to seek for another person to not have any desire for another person, but to seek as 2 Corinthians 10:5 reads the destruction of anything that lifts itself up against the knowledge of God. 2 Corinthians 10:5 WEB. When another person takes thoughts captive that do not honor God, a godly partner or spouse will correct with gentleness as described in 2 Timothy 2:25. 2 Timothy 2:25 WEB.
As committed believers, we might not be aware of another's actions and thoughts. We must not attempt to manipulate another person, and it is only through the Lord we allow healthy spiritual relationships to develop and flourish. In fact, God does not honor our requests when we have unclean hands or harbor any unrighteousness in our heart. Psalm 66:18 WEB. The word of God does not honor our prayer when we harbor unforgiveness or disobedience to his word. Zechariah 7:11-12 WEB.
It is not a recommended practice to use the wording such as pleading the blood of Jesus over a person or their life. Rather, we plead the blood of Jesus over our own sins and repent of them. Even more, it is only through the name of Jesus Christ we have access to the Father, and it is this name yeah that we should pray to God through and honor with our lips and life. John 16:23 WEB. The only purpose of blood is to cleanse our own sins. Hebrews 9:14 WEB.
The terminology being used in this prayer request very much resembles the behavior of witchcraft or casting spells upon another person. The Bible strongly rebukes and exhorts us to avoid and turn away from any such behavior or tendency in our life. This is a common pattern of behavior that applies to culture and practices in Africa, such as being involved in name proclaiming, or going to a witch doctor. However, as Christians, we do not condone or support such terminology or behavior regardless of our upbringing or culture. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 WEB.
We can see how passionate you are about your desires, but remember, our ultimate goal should be to glorify God in all we do. The focus on God's direction and guidance is missing in your request. It is only through our submission to God's plan and practice in our life that we develop the godly character required to carry a relationship over time. We must not place our own goals, pleasures, wants, desires, and needs over God's. Personal goals such as these are considered as idols in our life, and we are considering our feelings and desires over God's plan for our life. It is important that we commit to God, expecting only him to provide for our needs that enable us to serve him better. None of us know and are assured of a specific life plan that enables us to serve God. In fact, we must be in a continual state of prayer as we surrender our goals and worldly plans to him on a daily basis. Luke 9:23 WEB.
Let's pray together:
Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, we come to you as humbled sinned souls, in desperate need of your grace, love, and mercy. We pray for wisdom and discernment as we pursue relationships that honor God. We have fallen victim of wrong prayer practices in the name of your son. It is only by the name of your Son Jesus Christ we are saved, and we commit ourselves to be separate from anywhere that draws dark spiritual or supernatural powers not attributed to God. We will communicate and rebuke those that willingly practice or fall into such behaviors.
We pray that Your will be done in our lives and for our families. Father, if generational curses are allowing these demonic spirits to control these behaviors in our family life, we pray Father that the ability by these spirits would be bound. That You would enable, and grant us strength in our spirit and soul to rebuke them. We are oblivious to your plan, therefore Father, we are willing to follow your ways and laws that you have revealed to us. Give us the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Equip us with the weapons and tools we need to focus on Your glory.
Father, we forgive, as we ask you to forgive us from these sinful acts against you.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, we pray these things so that our requests may be made spotless, Amen.