Prayer Warrior
No more unreasonable expectations get off of my neck already out of my power forevermore.I get the people who expect me to continue being humiliated far away from me now. They get there Karma the actress that I think it is the actress from my Show younger which I might add I really like I do btw sleeping screwing either Luis Joey Riley Myles Hass Enrique Michael Aldridge Henry new Better then Luis whoever that fed us last night or they all congregated and was at Outback or Logan’s Macaroni Grill it was closed obviously my favorite restaurant’s are closed God forbid I get one day of happiness and credit for everything I have chase everything put down I’m dumb numb and three God forbid I be right about something because I’m told I’m crazy right. Last night dinner was Bomb was bomb though. I want Karma today number one I’m very butthurt I absolutely freakin hate the men that I was supposed to love give me a freakin break. Screw everyone around me in Secret that’s your Jazz. You don’t need a Wife of the Lord u don’t need me at all. I’m very sorry if u think u need me I have been humiliated and put to nothing so you all can steal kill destroy me ya I’m feeling crazy now. Get out of my House HOME mind time spine. Like I Said I’m no longer in LOVE with Joey Riley Myles Hass Enrique keep me as far away I can possibly be from them, it has absolutely destroyed me it has destroyed my confidence. I need a make over I need time to heal properly keep away from me every one who ripped into me in secret in this World rip them a new one. It is so Mean bullying cruel to treat me this way. I don’t want to scream in tongues, I deserve love honor and one decent man that could love me for me. I’m not weird he doesn’t have tonb younger then me or Drop dead Hot, to me I deserve the best because God doesn’t throw a stone if there is anyone left out there. Judgement if Henry dropped off my cat or cats how are the 2 girls know where to go come on. I’m more worried about the cats then Henry today. These cats are sweet I need to know Gods will he is not allowed to drop them off in a city from a country my gosh they could get hurt. I speak into exsistence my cats are we’ll specifically that are mine. They are not abused and they get cat food properly and never dropped off and just dumped ok. Come on Satan and crew u went to far. Luis wasn’t an animal lover iam I love my cats more then Henry basically I love my kids more then men alright. Gods will over Henry I get a Car. Vanessa today no means no Albert Salcedo and Vanessa don’t get your Taxes for the third time give me a break this is ridiculous. I get my TAXES 2017 properly Vanessa hell no doesn’t answer the Phone be rude to me wow to Far again Karma. Come on let me go and whoever is innocent that doesn’t want the Workd to end that isn’t into hurting me in Secret if there’s anyone left at all. That’s it that’s all I think idk if anyone cares at this point. Full Report due to no home no taxes ever no Husband no happiness time. I get it you hate me and God Almighty Full Report Gods will into exsistence with blood of Jesus