Johnny Fuego
Unless the Lord builds the house. They labour in vain who build it. So are mens plans and accomplishments without You vain. So I as others cannot do anything good without You O Lord. My King that is why I come before You amd ask these things. O King Your Authority is the highest no one is above You and Your power is unlimited I thankyou that You know us by name. In Jesus name we come before You because only in God's blood we are worthy to speak to You. Abba please forgive us our debts and let us forgive those in debt to us. Help us who are suffering and those of us who are not help us help them as well. Please give us our daily needs and help us today. Keep us from sin and harm. Deliver us from evil and attacks. I also come with some requests that are personal please forgive all my debts past present and future please hel our sister and restore her health and youth and please take her off the meds through gentleness please give us a perfect love for You and others please protect us from every disease and injury and as a slave uses his health for his master rather them themself let it be as well Lord I ask that You give us purity of mind faith that moves mountains and great wisdom that our joy be You and favor in Your sight and forgivess of sins please restore us and please restore my youth and theirs extremly I messed up the blessings You have given me I also ask for no beard in my culture You know not everyone can grow beards it is not dishonorable but not perfered I pray especially xxx never does I pray that im 17;10 and I pray that we do extremely good at school and work that others may see Your power and grace and that I study really hard always to get an pass the one school also help me do good tommorow and at sports none the less Your will all we really need is You so I ask these may be done to glorify You help the brethren and save others and be a witness against the world also for the full salvation of my fammily in Jesus name amen according to Your plans let it be done now so we can use these as long as possible amen