Disciple of Prayer
I don't know where too begin I'm not happy my husband mentally verbally and emotionally abuses me everyday!!! I feel he uses me for money because he has a gambling problem!!! I know it's not love I'm just dumb you know why I got two amazing sons and he won't let me take them if I wanted to leave! So yea I scarfice everyday get dogged and tell me what I don't and do right and he don't love Mr he hates me tries throwing me out when I work and pay half the bills and I also worked hard for all we have too! It sad because I work hard at a hospital I work midnights and I still cook clean and wash his work clothes make sure he has his coffee done he asks me too do more for him and for money more then my teenagers sons smh!!!I work with mental illness patients and I can't even get myself together I can't even what I practice what I preach because I feel like just killing myself too because of him but of course I know I'm not going to because of my sons but that's how he makes me feel!!!He distance me from my family I can't go nowhere without him jealous controlling and he insecure! I can't be myself anymore! I love him but I'm falling out of love because how he treat me sometimes I feel I can't live with him and I can't live without him!!! I begged God I been praying but nothing changes and I been praying for years so now idk what more too do! Please pray for me!!! The story goes on and on so much too text and I can't stop crying I'm tired I leave I have nothing he takes everything he always wins even when it's wrong he's the devil Noone sees it he the devils advocate!I just want to be loved and happy me and my sons