Beloved of All
Um.. Hi.. Im just a teenage girl. I cant say much about this you know.. My mom's having a baby in June. She fell I think on her belly and she don't want no one to know.. Im the only one who knows she says she's okay but Idk. I dident know what to do besides praying? I'm kind of scared.. And I just dident know what to do besides hope and pray. And my dad has a problem with his foot gout I think that's how you spell it? And he has Crohns. (Sorry I cant spell very good.) I worry about them you know.. All I can ask is will you please pray for them? Please? That's all I ask. Thing's happen for a reason don't they? And.. Besides.. God knows what's best and if he want's them to be okay. They'll be okay. Sorry. I just worry. I know. I know. Thing's will be okay.. That's what they all say.. I just learned not to trust anybody sometimes.. Besides are heavenly Farther. You can trust him when there's no one else to trust and he understands you when no one dose. I'm just stupid little girl. I know. But all I can ask is.. They be okay. Thanks.. Im sorry to bothered you.. I'll be praying.