Dear heavenly father come to you in the name of Jesus to situation before your healing hands lord I can't seem to move on from the woman I was seeing last year I know I did wrong lord but no matter what I do I can't seem to let her go from my head or heart I regret what I did lord and I hate myself every day for it my matter how much I tried to forgive myself I can't so I'm asking for your healing touch to help me get rid of this pain that I'm feeling and to help you move on I shouldn't have the feel inside still have for her lord but I do and I know for us to reach out it may things even more worse nobody seems to understand lord I don't even understand myself but I know lord if I was to turn to a friend to ask her for her how and her advice she likely to walk out of my life because I lied to her last year over the situation of what I did losing the woman I was seeing is one thing but to lose my friend in my god daughters would break me I don't think I could live if I lost them I don't know what's keeping me going every day lord and no matter what I do to try and find someone else to love I'm struggling I have fallen for someone else and I do really like her but I've never even met her and I don't think they will I just don't know what to do anymore lord everyone says that time is a good healer but I don't think it is I don't know what is and that's why I've turned to you lord to ask you your help to move on to find a new love I don't know what your plan is lord for my life I hope and pray that it consists of me finding love getting married and having a family but I don't know I'm on the verge again lord of giving up please help me in the name of our lord and saving Jesus Christ I play Amen