Humble Prayer Warrior
I prophecy decree demand command declare into existence loose verse 2 Kings 13 17 Forever
I release the arrow 
of the Lord's deliverance in my life
my kids family that's a good thing innocents animals forever
let who is stealing my Glory 2 Glory positions my air I breathe my career air be brought to justice 
judgement today no seals on there heads no way to be happy in my air or anyone's else's they broke God's heart and they have no hearts at all let them have no fun no sex no orgasm time no drugs no alcohol no way to stay even wicked let them choke out on there games now let them get arrested in the spiritual to the physical put them in jail for being so evil somehow let them have no one's air break no one's hearts let them have rejection rejected not approved everywhere they go for now on. Loose verse I release Your Sharp 

arrows into the heart of the Kings enemies Psalm 45 5 forever 
DNA period permanently now. Loose verse Psalm 7:13 Ordain and release your arrows against mine my kids family that's a good thing innocents animals forever
persecutors for now on don't let them get back
up let them have no one's air to keep no one's light signatures to keep. Loose verse Psalm 18:14 Send out arrows
and scatter the enemy forever 

based period permanently. Loose verse Psalm 21:12 Make my kids family that's a good thing innocents animals enemies turn their back
with your arrows upon your strings Forever 
DNA based period permanently now don't let the way to wicked to be alive get back
up please let there wicked torment stay with them remove it with them they can b rejected everything in there lives by everyone forever 
DNA based period permanently now. Loose versepsalm 144:6 Shoot out your arrows 

and destroy them don't let them get
back up ever let the arrows hit
so strong they can't ever get back
up there tents camps unions of evil are severed there wicked games stay in there own lives wearing there evil prayers wishes everyday no heart desires in there daily routine no favor no Grace no Joy just being named Tail loose verse Deut 28 13 Tailed forever
name the way to wicked to be alive Tail forever 
DNA period permanently now forever
. Loose verse Shoot out your arrows upon them let them b wounded suddenly Psalm 64 7 forever 

period permanently now forever
. Loose verse let your arrow
go forth as lightening against the enemy Zech 9 14 Forever 
DNA based period permanently now. Send out arrows towards who was supposed to make it and how they feel about me the truth if someone loves me that's trying but I can these them let the arrows bring it to the light because my air domain dominion GPS dimensions have been blocking killed let the arrows fly so I get the best person for me now that would love me adore me not reject me forever
stay by my side be able to answer my prayers not disgrace me. Loose verse Break their bones and pierce them through with your arrows Num 24 8 forever let there wicked demons of Korah Dathan Pharoahs Spirit spouses evil spirits bones break to the point the poverty witches warlocks wizards don't want to stay and can't keep letting the arrows fly towards the thieves that stole from me my kids family that's a good thing innocents animals even husband's that prayed to be with me if they did let the truth come out so strong everyone has their strength back strength back
hunchback name on the evil people forever absolutely no back strength for the way to wicked to b alive there evil spirits turn on them Satan does turn on his own Karma real what you sow now. I get a cute studio paid for by the county accepts it easily even if it's 750and 750 deposit. I get help
with new clothes new person who can love me since I was rejected even if it's someone who just becomes new for me a new beginning the Lord's will heart healed for me my kids family that's a good thing innocents animals forever
based period permanently I get a cute new vehicle that runs a new job that pays more then 16 an hour then I get a Pharmacy job or trained to be a Pharmacy tech just brand new doors open everyday all the way from the spiritual to the physical in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen