Beloved of All
Lord thank oyu os much ro healign my jaw and teeth yesterday for putting myxjaw lowerign it so it smor eocmfortable. thnak oyu and please hal all who need healign in their teeth and jaws. pleas ehealmy broekn teeth please hela mymoms mouth and heal her form the amalgam filligns please miraculoulsy remove the filligns for oyur glory and power. . I also praise OYu because my dads got his citizen ship as far as it seems. I hope so. Praise the Lord my grandma spoke after logn tiem of not spekaign Lor dpthank you for doign mriacle.s pelas ehal her form all vascular dmentia high bloso sugar high bloos pressur esmall bowel obstruction syndroem and also malnutriton and deificencxy and othe rhelaign mneeded. ehal her son and keep him safe form har heal all teeht. please heal my brothers form histmiane intoelrance and depression. please hela him form aspergers and my mom if they have it or eed helaign. pelase heal his iwf ein every way Lord and her pragnant baby may the baby absorb lot sof food form placenta. i cast the deiv lout of them if He is int he way prevenitgn baby fom geettign wgaingin weight Lor dplease mircululsy touch my sisteirn law'splacenta and brign her and the baby devien food and best care. help mysiste irn law leav ehr job and stay at home. Lor dhelp me care for my grandm andmom adn dleiver em form depression. i feel overwhelemd by the taks. help me and dleiver em form coornaphobia germs dirt and glass sahrd sphobia. pelas ehal me form that even.. hela my heart and pyschology form trauma. pelase help me Lord and ehal al who have menta illness. please. dleiver all form suicidal thougths if nececsarr ybrign all helaign andhelp ine very way. pelas ehal my dad heart and giv ehis heatrt the oxygenhe nee.spelas ehelp me fix the driange of the other sink. please please dleive rem form germs handwahsing germs phobia and ll the phobias .... and dleive rem form type 1 diabetes diabete sicniipuds cancer tumor if applicabel and my tonsil and dleiver my entire fmaily form strep. pelase do all in oyurpower to belss heal and proect my fmaily form all evil and prologue our lives and pelase os let in be so it may go well with us and ew liv elogn in our lives. please forgiv eour sisn adn brign salvaiton ot aus all.pelase giv em direciton what to write and giv eb for his brithda ywhat o say how ot ocmmunciat . please proive em wiht a god feairng husband who love Goid wiht all his heart. and loves me like his oown flesh. please prepar eus of rmarrigae and help us to submit to oyur IWlla nd ways Lord. please provid emy husband wiht the work you want him to have and ondly his destiy keep him inyour Will Lord and dleive rhim form dmeosn and all ungodly habits and me too. pleaese no ocutnerfeithgt spuse Lord . join us in your perfecitn gitming. plesase also giv em fmroe enrgy and strength in sot ired,. pleas eprovie best nutriton and car efor my entire fmaiy andhubyb formt he Lord. pleas eprotect em and myhubby for,m the Lor dofrm eivl and strange mena ndwomen. Lor drestr ena dhela my parents and htier marriag eif oyu are willign gudi htem into allt ruth .guide me and my fmaiyla nd hubyb formthe Lord iwht oyur eye and dleive rus ofrm evil. please brign oyur salvaiton to B and dleive rhimf orm smokign adn dirnkign an dlal thigns evil. giv ehima dn all peopel merry hearts. pelase heal all dehydraiton pronlems in y mf amiyl.d eliver me form not foccusing and intrucive thoguths. help menot to cove tor lust. pleas ehelp me knwooyur love for me and your will for my lfie.pleas eprotec tymf amily and lalpeoelf orm accident deaht and calmites. please surorudn us with your mercy and grace and dleiv eurs form allunclean spirit si plray for all peopel thanky u Lord. pleas eprotec tmy dads heart and heal my grnadma kidneys and myine too. helamymosm briana dn please guide me ont heinternet. guine me ina ll my htougths thnak yuand allow me to really hear your voice.
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