I also am desperate for rest at night. I cry out to jesus for healing of my sleep but i feel he hides his face. Im so desperate. I haven’t really slept in 6 years, it’s completely stolen my health, my life my well being cost me and my relationship with god. He just refuses to heal me. I pray and beg and plead so hard. I so desperately need deep sleep. Im a single full time parent of a 5 year old autistic child. My health keeps me going, exercise and healthy living allows me to worship and care for him. My rest and everything good that comes from it has been taken from me. I have begged and begged god for so long, he just wont do it for me. I ask you all please, if god will hear your prayers, please pray i can have restored deep and healthy sleep. It would be do life changing, so miraculous, oh god please have mercy.