Humble Prayer Partner
Today's Prayers... April... 26th... 2023... WEDNESDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - every single prayer counts, therefore, thanks for all already praying these prayers... Keep on sending people in numbers for praying these prayers for YOU... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - PRECLUDE, ONCE AND FOR ALL, FOREVERMORE, all plans against us at it's origin... meaning... when someone starts thinking about something like so, please JESUS stand still right in front of us FORBIDDING everything like that going further, changing IMMEDIATELY everything on our favour FRUSTRATING all plans against us ONCE AND FOR ALL FOREVERMORE... Shield our lives in every possible direction... Guard and protect us from falling into the "half truths" / malicious arguments of the evil people... Keep so far away from us all the evil people and their evil, sending them back from they belong... In The Name of JESUS CHRIST... Amen