Beloved of All
today is ### birhtday. please prayy ### has excelelnt day and tha ti get him what God wants. also prayers for grandma helaign: Lord guid emy works htougths please ldiever my mom form anger bitterness brign her peac ehalign restore hope an dhela her fordnetla fehs heart asprerger. heal ### please giv ehim miracle today helaign fo toeeht and helpw ith the builidng and brign him merr yheart big abudnant joy .please hal my dad sheart and my grandma hrart form congestiv eheart failure. Lord please hal my grandma form head to toes please dliever us allform evil. protect us form beign foolish form axccident deaht and calamitiy. please help em get sdress brush teeth dleiver rem formt ype oen diabetrs. giv egrandma exclelnt healht digestion and heale din every wa. please dleiver rme from ptsd. please hela my brother form histmian eintoelranc. help hima ndhis wife. please giv eceeltn healht ypregnancy for hiw wife an dbelss my bneice and nephew. provid eof rus and dleiver rus form allsickness diase clamity accidnets btiternes. giv eus hoep have emrcy. also if ### is my hubyb form you Lord make it VERy clean to me and him today..please i need to knwo. please mak eit clean Lord dye sor no. please also resote marriage to his bro and wife. help him in allthigns oto. help and bless my gradma momd ad allpeoel and myslef. hela ym grandma please.d please dleiver rmymomf orm allunclean spirits an dalos ### otot. giv ehim love soind mind peace and also encoutner wiht Christ love toda.yipray fo rhis salvasiotn helaign adn may he alsway do Gods WIll. guid emy thougths action giv em wisodm like never beofr elaos ot b too and pleas etu me nto chame for my messibess. hela me dleiver rme form corona phobia dleiv rus form corna virus heal all affected and brign helaign to ocutnries who ar ienwar please d all iynourpower to destory the works of the deivl in alllur. live please belss and prig peac ein Jerusalem. giv eme the energ ystrenght sandjoy in careigivn forgiv emy sisn. helpw iths BS present PLEASE please please Lord make htis a wonderufl tday fo rhim and allof us. ma yi also eb easy ot giv ehte gift and alsohelp emwith hwo to help my grandma dn mom. please dliever rmy momf ormallucnelna depresive htoughts. purify her brian heal her dleivr her form amalagan fillign please belss and rpotrect my moma nd fdad form eivl. kepe us allin your will all of us. do a l iynour power fo rme and myh