Today, i am giving a testimony. Since Tuesday, i ell like Jesus is standing right next to me. I had Three big miracles happened to me on Wednesday, One Big miracle on Thursday that i asked Jesus thursday morning and he gave it to me in the afternoon and Jesus made the happiness last till i went to bed. Friday, i had court for driving with suspended licence and without insurance. I prayed and asked Jesus to do it for me, because i do not want to go lie in court. When i went to court, They Only asked me one Question; They asked me if i got my licence back, and i said YES. Then they cancelled all charges against me. They didn't even ask me to explain nothing. I was told am free to go. Since Tuesday i made a new covenant with Jesus not to lie, or commit fornication or adultery anymore, Jesus HAs answered all my prayers. Some of them i couldn't say.A friend of mine walked up to me and said, God is with you. My brothers and sister please help me to thank God for his mercy through Jesus Christ. The miracles are like a dream to me.